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In the last school board meeting Lansing Middle School art teacher Lee Iannone asked for approval for a different kind of student trip to Italy.  "The trip would be focussed more around art," said High School Principal Michelle Stone.  "Traditionally the trips we have taken outside the country have been focussed on language development, instruction, and culture.  This would look at a different aspect."

After getting the idea for an art trip, Iannone approached high school French teacher Amanda Zerilli, a veteran of arranging student trips for Lansing students.  "She gave me amazing copies of everything she does," Iannone says.  Using a travel service already approved by the school board for foreign language travel, the trip will cost an estimated $2,500 per student.

The week-long trip will begin with a flight to Rome.  The group will travel to Sorrento, then work their way north back into Rome.  The group will be in Sorrento and the Island of Capri for Easter.  The next day they will visit Pompeii on the way to Rome.  "Our day in Rome will include the Vatican and museums," Ionone says.  "We will have tours of the Sistine Chapel, the Colosseum, Hadrian's Villa."  There will be one free day in Rome to go to museums which she says she and the students will choose together.

Iannone says that 15 students are interested in going, and they have been raising funds for the trip.  They are selling candy and t-shirts, and will be picking grapes at King Ferry Winery.  They have asked for donations from local companies.  "We're doing what we can to make that easier for the kids," she says.  "Businesses that donate -- we're going to make t-shirts and put their names on the back and wear them in Italy so everyone knows who paid for us to come."


The trip has been planned to have no impact on the district and the school year.  By going during vacation class work and tests won't be affected.  And the trip will have almost no financial impact on the district.  The only thing Iannone has asked for is a bus to take the group to the airport.  "That's traditionally what's done," Stone explains.  "It's more organized when you're leaving so everyone can be together, and then parents pick them up in the end."

The school board will vote on approving the trip at their meeting on October 12.  If approved, Board President Bonita Lindberg requested a presentation with pictures at a future board meeting when the group returns.  

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