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ImageOn the first Saturday of each month, the Lansing Boy Scouts conduct a can and bottle drive to help send local scouts to camp. They were doing well last Saturday with literally a truckload of cans and bottles half way through the morning. Bruce Barber and Dee Hayes were working hard with a group of boys, sorting the cans and getting them in shape to turn in for cash.

The scouts get six cents per can. All the money they raise goes to sending local scouts to camp, and for equipment. When they do well, the proceeds entirely pay for camp. "Next week they're going to Camp Gorton," said Mr. Barber. "That was my Boy Scout camp," he said, adding that it is part of the Boy Scout council just South of ours.

Scouts collect and sort the cans and bottles

Lansing patrols take turns each month to man the drive, which is located on the side parking lot of the Lansing Community Center. The drive runs from nine to noon every month. People drove up all morning while the scouts unloaded the cans. The Rod and Gun club often contributes their empties to the Scouts, and this morning they sent over eight or nine bags full.

Bruce Barber, Jonathan Howe and Dee Hayes



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