- By Dan Veaner
- Around Town

Lansing High School held two commencement ceremonies last Friday at Sobus Field. The 74 members of the Class of 2020 were split between the two ceremonies, and guests were strictly limited in order to stay within Governor Cuomo's lockdown and public gathering guidelines. That and wearing Bobcat-branded face masks along with their traditional blue caps and gowns made this year's graduation a little different, but the familiar elements -- the school band, the march through flowered hoops, the speeches and the granting of diplomas were the same. Superintendent Chris Pettograsso kicked off the ceremony, saying that the class that her administration was happy to be able to hold a live graduation at all.
"You have no idea how grateful we are to be able to gather this evening. Though we recognize it is not ideal, and we would love to be celebrating with all of your family members. We still carry immense gratitude for the opportunity to come together. Your Lansing administration team, your board of education and guests, and are most grateful for you -- that you ever sell resilient and strong class of 2020 are here together with all of our Bobcat, pride and love."
Because so many family members and friends could not attend in person due to pandemic gathering rules, the commencement ceremony was live streamed and continue to be available for viewing on Facebook.
Pettograsso noted that this year's class was her first class of students when she came to the Lansing district as Elementary School Principal.
"From my time with you as your elementary principal, you were instrumental in bringing food, composting and waste reduction to RC Buckley elementary school," she said. "You initiated the very first elementary school student council. You helped create Family Fun Nights around math, literacy, and dance. And you came up with the idea of Pennies for Pets and raised over $2,000 for the SPCA. You took the good and made it better every time you did that. Most recently, you and who you are and who you represent made me a better principal, and now superintendent. I am extremely thankful for all of you.""
Senior Class officers Ethan Burt Catie Eisenhut addressed their classmates. Burt gave thanks on behalf of his class to teachers, administrators, and staff. Eisenhut looked back over the Class of 2020's accomplishments and years in the Lansing schools.
This year's class dedicated the yearbook to two language teachers, Abigail Cleary and Amanda Zerilli. They both attended the ceremonies to thank their students.
High School Principal Patrick Hornbrook summarized their accomplishments.
"Over 50% of these students right here will receive a Regents diploma with an advanced designation, 11 of these graduates have earned a technical endorsement, and six have earned a seal of excellence through their work at TST BOCES in addition to their diploma. 26 of these students have earned a career development and occupational studies certificate 57 of the 74 are scholar athletes. 10 of these students right here earned the seal of bi-literacy.
"31 of these seniors took a total of 89 advanced placement exams. Over the past two years, 73 seniors took dual credit courses and earned a total of 867 college. Now credits that they will bring with them to college. That's quite a headstart. I'm proud to share that this year senior class earned over $37,000 in scholarships from our generous community. 13 students will be attending a two year college, 47 students attending a four year college. 13 of our seniors will be joining the workforce, a trade program, military or another plan, and their new lives will start tomorrow," Hornbrook said.
51 students won a total of 76 scholarshiips totaling more than $37,000
Adam Heck "Slasher" Scholarship | Morgan Boerman & Alexander Rose |
Barbara J. Abraham/Raymond C. Buckley Scholarship | Joseph Besemer |
Cargill Deicing Technology Scholorship | Jack Thomas |
Chester Bednarczyk Business & Accounting Memorial Scholarship | Ryan Barton |
Clayton & Janet Bradley Scholarship | Ethan Burt |
Dean & Adeline Weibly Scholarship | Julian Tornusciolo |
Emerson & Esther Mitchell Scholarship | Bradley Lehr |
George Stevens Achievement in Science Award | Catalina Zaloj |
Haynor Foundation Scholarship | Gwenyth Gisler |
Jerome E. Hass Scholarship | Jasmine VanDeMark |
Joe Bruno Music Scholarship | Elizabeth Brewster |
Joe "Ditty" Joseph Scholarship | Kyle Romeo |
Joseph, Grace & John McGill Scholarship | Allison Brown & Anthony Ruquet |
Kevin M. Snyder Memorial Scholarship | Kevin Patt & Carlee Tibke |
Lansing Alumni Association Scholarship | Eli Bartholomew |
Lansing Bobcats Sports Boostesr Graduation Award | Morgan Boerman, Ethan Burt, Catherine Eisenhut & Matthew Weil |
Lansing Class of 2020 Bobcat Strong Graduation Award | Jenna Oplinger, Steven Parus, Sean Wenzel & Nicole Wheeler |
Lansing Corporate Development Committee Robb Cutting Award | Elizabeth Brewster & Ian Rudy |
Lansing Events Committee Spirit of Lansing Graduation Award | Bailey Lombardo |
Lansing Faculty Association Scholarship | John Hern & Kya Schadewald |
Lansing High School Student Council Organization Leadership Scholarship | Bridget Alano & Mason Edwards |
Lansing-Ithaca Rotary International Fellowship Scholarship | Bridget Alano |
Lansing Lions Club Scholarship | Leah Hollister, Kevin Patt, Mya Phanhthalath, Philip Rogers & Madalynn Stooks |
Lansing Parent Teacher Student Organization Scholarship | Bridget Alano, Leah Hollister, Bailey Lombardo, Haley Sullivan, Gavin Suwara & Thor Wierson |
Lansing Rod & Gun Club Memorial Scholarship | Sean O'Callaghan |
Lansing School Service Association Scholarship | Trinity Edwards & John Hern |
Lansing Senior Citizen Organization Scholarship | Fraser Topoleski |
Lansing Theater and Performing Arts Scholarship | Aidan Burt, Catherine Eisenhut, Teresa Garcia, John Hern, Siobhan Hull, Fiona Lory-Moran, Haley Sullivan, Matthew Weil |
Lansing Youth Services Scholarship | Ian Rudy |
Lansingville Firemen's Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship | Teresa Garcia & Ethan Yu |
Lisa Ann Sweazey Topoleski Scholarship | John Hern & Kya Schadewald |
Mentoring at Lansing Community Service Scholarship | Catalina Zaloj |
Principal's Award | Katherine Barr, Sarah Krogh & Hannah Lennox |
Raymond C. Buckley Scholarship | Benjamin Infante |
The Smart is Strong Foundation College Scholar Award | Liza Dhameeth & Trinity Edwards |
Stephen A. Kirk Memorial Scholarship | John Hern |
Superintendent's Award | Siobhan Hull |
Susan Howell Haring Scholarship | Aidan Burt |
Thomas Jones Scholarship | Thor Wierson |
Tritown Masonic Lodge Scholarship | Mason Butler & Carlee Tibke |
William M. & Frances L. Kelly Scholarship | Kya Schadewald |
51 students won a total of 76 scholarshiips totaling more than $37,000 |