- Around Town

Beginning July 6, 2020, the Ithaca City School District (ICSD) will reopen its outdoor facilities for public use, including low-risk youth sports in accordance with Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order. The district will continue to follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to ensure the health and safety of children, families and the community.
Group outdoor facility use requests will be managed through ML Schedules, which can be accessed on the ICSD website at ithacacityschools.org/facilities. Those who wish to submit an outdoor facility use request will need to review and confirm their understanding of and commitment to health and safety requirements on behalf of their group or organization. These include, but are not limited to groups of no more than 50 people. Any outdoor facility use request made prior to July 6 will be considered by the district on an individual basis.
The use of playgrounds, play structures and green spaces by individuals or members of the same household does not require district review and approval. The ICSD asks anyone using outdoor district facilities to practice recommended social distancing and hygiene practices, including maintaining six feet of distance from others, staying home when sick, and wearing cloth face coverings as feasible.
At this time, indoor facilities remain closed.