- By Donna Scott
- Around Town

Rick DarflerThe day I came across Rick Darfler erecting newly-obtained, industrial-strength, steel shelving in the Lansing Library book storage room, I knew I had to nominate him as a Star of the Month! After I exclaimed about how wonderful it was finally to have plenty of strong shelving for the donated and book-sale books in the store room, Rick said that he had gotten a lot of FREE, surplus, used, 2-foot deep, heavy steel shelving from a Cornell University department that no longer needed it. He had transported it all to the library and had already set up two rows of it in the library utility room, so that my committee could move all our supplies to clean, sturdy shelves there. He didn’t even ask anyone for help on that work and here he was all by himself again, setting up the rest of the shelves in the book store room! It was rather taxing work, but he was almost done, and the library book processing/operations group was thrilled with the results.

Rick Darfler, a Lansing native who grew up on DeCamp Road, has helped the Lansing Library in so many ways – behind the scenes - over the seven years the library has been in existence. Besides chores like this shelving project that he has done over the years, he contributed hundreds of volunteer hours helping to oversee the recent renovation and addition to the library building. He and Architect and Board Member, Bert Fortner, met with the contractor who did the building work every week during the construction process from July 2006 until February 2007, when the major work was completed, to make sure the process was running smoothly. Rick assisted in many other ways to help get the building finished and the library re-opened (end of February 2007) and he continues to work with the builder on several little details left on the contractor’s “punch list”. Rick is a former building contractor himself, so he knows how to do any kind of repair, building, or installation work that may be required in maintaining and running a building like the library.

Third fro left at Library Groundbreaking
Rick knows all the right places to obtain public-building-grade materials and supplies. Recently, the library was awarded a $5000 grant to improve security at the lower-level, handicapped-access entry door. We have ideas about WHAT we want there, but no idea where to get the proper materials. But Rick does and he is busy after his day job, getting together the supplies to complete that project – which he will install himself, thereby saving the library more money. He also helps us grant writers prepare budgets in applications for special-project funding by providing realistic estimates of materials costs. Rick not only does these things, but he always does them in a pleasant, helpful, and gracious way. He is a dedicated supporter of the library and his other fellow volunteers.
There are many worthy and talented volunteer “Stars” at Lansing Library, several of whom have also put in hundreds of hours to help build this wonderful educational community asset. Others show up faithfully, week after week, for a few hours to help run the book check-out desk or to process books and other materials to get them ready for the shelves. And the board members, fund raisers, bookkeeper, and volunteer librarian meet regularly month after month to plan the work of the library. I could have nominated many of these volunteers to be a Lansing Star; but Rick Darfler does SO MUCH work behind the scenes, work that is not seen by many of the rest of us or the public, that I just had to nominate him for the February 2008 Lansing Star! Thank you Rick, for all you have done to help our library and our Town.
Donna Scott,
Chairperson, Friends of LCL Board of Directors