- By Matthew P. Binkewicz
- Around Town

Lansing's Advice Column
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Dear IMO,
I was raised a Roman Catholic. During my formative years and into college, I found the church a great source of comfort and strength. For reasons that are now unimportant, I stopped attending church. After a twenty year hiatus, I have returned to church, but am having some troubles adjusting to what I see as unfortunate modernizations. I really enjoy the mass and traditions, but I can't seem to find a community that fits my needs? Although I really enjoy watching the mass on the Catholic TV Channel, I really need to be part of a living, breathing community of like minded believers. Do you have any suggestions?
A Prodigal Daughter
Dear Prodigal,
IMO loves reunions of all sorts, and the fact that you have strayed back to the flock gives added joy to your story. Yet, as you have discovered, events are not placed on hold in the Promised Land while you explore and enjoy your time in exile. Although the doctrine has not changed, the customs and traditions have in every way imaginable.
Things are not quite as you had left them. You recognize some parts of the service while others have taken on a strange appearance. Whatever these change may be, you are not comfortable with them. Yet, as you mentioned in your letter, you enjoy the mass featured on the Catholic Channel. In doing so, you have provided one solution to your dilemma-find out where they have a mass that is as close to the one you enjoy on television.It seems that you need to get around and attend mass at various area churches. You might consider keeping a small notebook with you and jot down a few things you like/don't like about the congregation you visit. By the time you have visited all the area churches, you'll have a pretty good idea which ones you like, and then make one of them your home. There is a saying from the Desert Fathers that goes something like, "A tree often transplanted never yields fruit." Good luck.