- By Matthew P. Binkewicz
- Around Town

Lansing's Advice Column
Dear IMO,
You seem to know a lot about numerous topics. Perhaps you might be able to shed some light on my predicament. I am a 30 something guy with an average income. My hobbies and interests center on the computer especially monitoring my blog. In recent weeks, I have been spending a lot of time instant messaging a 30 something, single woman who also has a blog.
I think I would like to ask her out on a date, but I'm not sure how to go about it. My last real date was nearly two years ago, and I feel somewhat unsure of the right approach. Is it proper to email an invitation or should I get a phone number and call her?
Many thanks,
Dear MJ,
From what you have told me, it appears that the foundations of a relationship are in place based on your recent emails to each other. If you want to ask this woman out on a date, send her an email inviting her out to dinner or for coffee. She might feel awkward giving you her phone number since you have never met in person, but I'm sure an invite for a bite to eat would be a great way to meet your blogger friend in person.
If she does agree, do not interpret this as a sign that she wants a relationship. Proceed slowly and you'll know whether she wants to keep this friendship via the internet or by having you by her side. Have fun and be yourself.
If you want advice please email your question to IMO at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..