- By Dan Veaner
- Around Town

'Top Mom' contestants had to write a short essay about their mothers. Madeline wrote about her Mom Alice, a jewelry designer whose PAMA Designs features hand made dichroic glass jewelry.
"Look out Ithaca, here comes 2009's Top Mom!," Madeline wrote. "She's a single mother that works at home as a high-tech writer. I can almost never wait to lunge into her arms after school and feel the warm smile in her eyes as she hugs me hello. My mother is intelligent and inspiring and she fills my head to the brim with our ideas and her knowledge to help me with math and improve my writing. She always had a way to put me out of my occasional cranky moods and make me laugh. My mom gives me healthy and organic food- but makes sure I'll like it. I love her more than I'll ever love anyone or anything... even when I become a teen - those years are when moms are said to be un-cool!"

Madeline with her 'Top Mom' Alice
Her Poem, 'In a Family' won third place in the TST-BOCES writing contest in the poetry category for her age group.
"In a family, there may be the hate of a hungry snake
About to pounce on a mouse.
In a family, there may be the love of the angels,
Sprinkled all about the world,
And in the family’s hearts.
"In a family, there may be a heavy sorrow, a burden,
One that must be carried for the rest of life,
Like an old, gruff wolf that is helplessly lost
In a puddle of depression and bloody memories.
"In a family, the bond may be as strong as eagles’ wings,
Pumping and gliding effortlessly through the sky,
Over bodies of water,
And through all obstacles of pain and madness,
Without looking back.
"In a family, there is always room for hope, happiness,
And the deep, powerful thing
That comes from your heart,