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 Lansing's Advice Column

Dear IMO,

I have been feeling quite low. Whether it is the shorter, grayer days or the colder temperatures, I’m not sure, but one thing is for sure, I am feeling really down. My wife told me to try shopping. At first, I laughed at her suggestion. But several days later, I went to Bishop’s, walked the aisles, and purchased a few necessary hardware items.

I can’t explain it, but she was right. I do feel better, and I even bought a few nice things for her. All these years I thought women were crazy when they said shopping makes them happy. In the end, they are right. What is there about shopping that makes a person feel better? Can you shed some light on the subject?



Dear Ralph,

When people go out to buy a gift or get something for themselves, it’s kind of a treat. It can be compared to a treasure hunt with all the thrills of searching for what you want and in the process finding a hidden surprise or two.

Scientists are now discovering what your wife and many others have known all along: shopping makes you feel good. Research is beginning to demonstrate how shopping stimulates certain receptor sites in the brain. Once stimulated, these sites release chemicals, such as dopamine, that boost our morale and make us feel good about ourselves, our life, and those around us.

Dopamine is a natural feel good drug, manufactured by our bodies and when released, gives us that excited feeling of challenge and accomplishment. This is what many people experience when they go shopping or merely walk along Main Street and peer into the window displays.

There are also some pitfalls to avoid. The feel good experience can result in over buying or impulse shopping. Always ask the question: do I need this item or do I merely want to buy something. Before you leave for your fun filled adventure, make a list and stick to it. Of course, I encourage you to explore the “Clearance” aisle. This uncharted territory might have the exact item you are looking for at 50%-75% off the retail price.

Common sense and self-restraint can go along way. The next time you decide to go shopping, I encourage you to invite your wife and see what deals both of you can discover. Two happy people are always better than one.


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