- By Kerry A. Barnes
- Around Town

A Home Needed for Kenai
Ithaca ... "Kenai," the friendly young Siberian Husky with severe knee problems, has come through his surgery with flying colors and is looking for his new forever home.
Foster Mom Extraordinaire Judith Scarl with Kenai
The Tompkins County SPCA thanks everyone who made a donation to the Angel Fund for Kenai's operation. Kenai is recuperating nicely and is ready to be adopted.
After three months of hard work, Kenai is ready to go to a family that will love him forever! Kenai's leg is almost back to normal, although he'll have to be kept a little bit quiet for a few more weeks- no jumping on furniture for this guy! Kenai is a big sucker for belly rubs- and who can resist those slightly-crossed blue eyes saying "pet me! Pet me!" He loves people and will go to almost anyone, although he will probably be best in a house without small children (or others who might pull at his ears)! Kenai also likes to chew on squeaky things- which probably includes cats, so a no-kitty household would also be good. He is very patient and docile, especially with people he trusts. Kenai's new family will be very lucky to have this wonderful dog!
His incredible foster mom, Judith Scarl, gave us a list of the Top Ten Best Things About Kenai:
10. His thick coat is perfect for Ithaca, eight months of the year
9. He will never, ever run out of fluffiness.
8. Crossed eyes build character.
7. He will tell you - eloquently- how happy he is to see you.
6. You'll have a constant recipient for belly rubs.
5. He will teach you to sing, if you like.
4. People will stop you on the street to admire your beautiful dog.
3. He thinks that bunnies are better than television.
2. He'll accidentally stick his nose in your armpit because he's so happy to see you.
1. 48 pounds of Husky love!
If you can open your home and your heart to this great dog, please call Donna at the SPCA: 257-1822 extension 241.