- By Dan Veaner
- Around Town

Jan Nigro Kicks Off Lansing Reading Program
The Summer Reading Program of the Lansing Community Library Center kicked off this morning with a performance by song writer Jan Nigro, known for his band, Vitamin L, and Lansing third graders. The children performed songs that they wrote, accompanied by Mr. Nigro in the Lansing Town Hall.
The program is organized by Susan Rosenkoetter and third grade teachers Lisa Peter and Denise Kaminsky. Ms. Rosenkoetter, a retired librarian specializing in children's' services is a Lansing native and library volunteer. She also works with the town Recreation Department, going to the town camp each week to read stories, "which I love, because I grew up in Meyers." She explained the program encourages children to read at least six books during the summer. Each child has a reading log that is kept at the library. On August 20 there will be a celebration party where children will get prizes, their reading logs and certificates to take to their new teachers in the Fall that show what books they have read.
Mr. Nigro kicked off the program with the Vitamin L song, "I Want To Walk a Mile In Your Shoes" with children and parents joining in. Student songs included lyrics about being proud about doing well on an assignment, friendship and making choices.
There will be two more events in the series. On July 16th Tom & Cindy present a vaudeville presentation, and the final celebration will feature Tom Knight Puppets as well as presentations to children who have read at least six books.
(At her students request Mrs. Peters sings with her class.)