- By Marcia E. Lynch
- Around Town

The award will be presented Saturday, March 12 at the Tenth Annual Harriet Tubman Humanitarian Awards Jubilee in Albany.
“You have been selected to receive this Award because of your selfless dedication to improving upon the quality of life available to those in your community less fortunate than you,” a letter from Burmadine Hinds-Winston, president of the organization, states. “We believe that Harriet Tubman would be proud to call you Sister!”
Legislator McBean-Clairborne, who is Deputy Director of the Greater Ithaca Activities Center, has represented District 2 (City of Ithaca) on the Legislature since November 2001 and was vice chair of the Legislature between 2006 and 2009. Among her many leadership roles in county government, she currently serves as vice chair of the Legislature’s Public Safety Committee and has chaired the County’s Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Committee since its inception.