- By Ann COlt
- Around Town

United Way of Tompkins County (UWTC) has successfully closed the 2010/2011 Campaign exceeding its $2,111,111.11 goal by raising $2,114,334.11.
Mary George Opperman, outgoing Chair of UWTC Board of Directors, welcomed the sold out room full of guests to the Annual Campaign Victory Celebration and Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast on Tuesday, May 3rd at the Moakley House in Ithaca. Her remarks included recognition of the Corporate Cornerstone Partners, whose gifts are covering all of UWTC’s administrative and operating expenses, so that every dollar given by donors goes directly to support local programs and services. Opperman noted that UWTC gifts are making a positive difference in our communities. UWTC member organizations were showcased and a montage of photos capturing the events of the past year was shown as guests entered the banquet room.
James Brown, President, United Way of Tompkins County added, “The campaign results and support of United Way over the past year defies expectations. After 14 years, I continue to be amazed by the level of engagement and generosity shown by community members.”
Vicki Taylor Brous, UWTC Board Member and outgoing Fund Distribution & Evaluation Chair, had the opportunity to thank the volunteers for their hours of dedicated service throughout the year. She highlighted some of the accomplishments. The volunteers completed the transition to a Community Impact Organization. The UWTC Community Care Fund has been realigned through the following areas: Child Care/Early Learning, Youth, Basic Needs, Seniors, Crisis Services, Health/Environment, and Financial Stability/Building Self-Sufficiency. Affiliate Member Agencies in good standing are now Partner Member Agencies, which enables them to apply for Community Care Funding.
Volunteer team leaders are Elaine Quaroni, Jeff Brewer, Sharon Woloszyn, Janet Cotraccia, Leslie Meyerhoff, and Kelly Behan. Taylor Brous stated that UWTC works to advance the common good for all in our communities.
Sherri Koski, executive director at Ithaca Community Childcare Center and 2010/11 honorary Campaign Chair, noted that she was pleased to serve on this year’s Campaign Committee, enjoyed meeting new people and attending employee campaign presentations. She is thankful for IC3’s partnership with UWTC and how funding is helping children and families.
Mary George Opperman and James Brown had the honor of thanking all the volunteers for their time, efforts, and support, including outgoing board members Trudy Baum, J.R. Clairborne, Neil Olver, Peter Salmon, Andrew Sciarabba, Diane Shafer, and Kimberlee Swartz. New UWTC Board Members were introduced: Luvelle Brown from Ithaca City School District, Elmira Mangum from Cornell University, Jason Moore from Tompkins Trust Company, Roger Sibley from Franziska Racker Centers, and Lisa Whitaker from CFCU Community Credit Union.
Jim Byrnes, Emeritus Board of Directors’ member was thanked for his service. Lynnette Scofield was recognized for her time and commitment to Volunteer…LIVE UNITED, the new Volunteer Center for all organizations in our communities.
Joan Barber, lead volunteer, for the annual UWTC food drives received a round of applause for her volunteer work. Brown shared with the guests that later this week at the United Way Worldwide Staff Leaders’ Conference local campus and student engagement programs will be highlighted.
In addition, Brown thanked Kara Taylor and John Turner, Pacesetter Division Co-Chairs, and all the Pacesetter companies/organizations for getting the Campaign off to a great start and surpassing their division goal of $430,000. Gifts were presented to Vicki Taylor Brous, Sherri Koski, Trudy and Larry Baum and Nancy and Alan Pedersen for their service and commitment to UWTC.
Campaign Co-Chairs Nancy and Alan Pedersen and Trudy and Larry Baum, thanked all the guests for attending this year’s celebration. They shared several highlights from the Community Campaign, including the Stephen E. Garner Day of Caring and Stuff the Bus for School Supplies Drives. As part of their remarks, they recognized the dedicated Campaign Committee Members, community volunteers, and donors for their generous support. The CU Women’s Hockey Team and Tompkins Connect (Young Professionals) were acknowledged and thanked for their outstanding support and partnership with UWTC. The Major Firms and Business Divisions led by Co-Chairs LuAnn Biviano, Greg May, and Helen Talty were recognized for their work with numerous business accounts that conducted employee campaigns.
The Campaign Co-Chairs had the honor of presenting The Patricia E. Stage Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award.
This year, the Campaign Co-Chairs recognized Paul Streeter, Assistant Dean for Finance & Administration at Cornell University with this special award. He made significant contributions to the success of the 2010-11 UWTC Campaign. It was noted that Paul led the Cornell United Way Campaign that successfully surpassed its $790,000 campus goal with the help of the CU Campaign Ambassadors and generous donors. He was instrumental in getting UWTC to partner with the CU Women’s Hockey Team for two outstanding events bringing awareness to the overall Community Campaign. Paul volunteered at the Day of Caring Food Drive, attended Campaign Committee Meetings, organized CU Campaign Ambassadors’ Meetings, wrote letters, sent emails, and made phone calls, all to benefit UWTC. He helped to organize a UWTC campaign check presentation at one of the CU Men’s Basketball Games held on CU Employee Recognition Day. The Chairs stated that Paul is easy to work with and has the ability to bring UWTC projects to successful closure.
Brown then had the opportunity to thank Mary George Opperman for her dedicated service, leadership, and support as UWTC Board Chair. She was presented with a gift as a sign of the organization’s appreciation.
Both Opperman and Brown offered closing comments and noted the generosity of the community, especially during a challenging year.