- By Dan Veaner
- Around Town

CDC works closely with lansing School staff and teachers to determine what technology is needed, and then sets out to fund it. Since it was founded in 1996 CDC has raised over $500,000. Last year alone the organization purchased sensors, probes, software and data acquisition hardware used in Lansing science classes, fully equipped two Project Lead The Way computer laboratories, and funded two $1,000 scholarships for a male and female student planning a career in technology.

Past purchases have included interactive whiteboards devices by Promethean, Heart Rate Monitors for the Physical Education Department, High School Computer Animation Software for the Art Program, a Piano with built-in CD and recorder for Middle School Chorus Room, Lego Mindstorm robotic kits, and countless computers.

This year 171 tickets were sold to the 'black-tie optional' event. Entertainment was provided by Chris Allenger, with Geoff Wright reprising his annual role as master of ceremonies. 133 silent auction items were on display, and 70 roses were sold at $10 each -- they could be traded later in the evening for a prize of equal or greater value.
The 16 live auction items included several Finger Lakes weekend or evening retreats, an evening for four at Greek peak, two hockey package, a tour of the Cargill salt mine, a football autographed by Dallas Cowboy Emmitt Smith, and a year-long shopping spree at Lansing Market.