- By Dan Veaner
- Around Town

The Buckley Elementary School cafeteria was filled with students, parents and colleagues. They were there to celebrate Claudia DeRidder's sixteen years teaching in Lansing. After a total of 33 years of teaching Mrs. DeRidder is retiring to travel and spend time with her daughter. Current and past students streamed in with gifts, songs, and hugs to say good bye. Parents, colleagues and school board members were all present for the send off.
"I'm going to miss the kids most of all," she said. She has been in Lansing for 16 years, since 1989. "People took me in and made me feel like I was home. I felt like the families really embraced me. I felt very close to a lot of them."
Mrs. DeRidder has lived in the area since she was in college. She taught first grade and kindergarten in Lansing. Previously she had also taught in Ithaca and Trumansburg.
Third grade teacher Lisa Peter said, "I know Claudia DeRidder as both a parent and a colleague. I'm very fortunate to know her as both, because she was a wonderful teacher to my son. She made it a very special year for him. Also as a colleague she is very giving. It's a shame she's leaving the teaching profession, because she has so much to give. I hope she'll continue, perhaps informally, newer teachers and experienced teachers, because she is truly a master teacher."
Another third grade teacher, Calvin Lange, added "Claudia taught my son, Thomas Lange, and Thomas had a fabulous year with her. And I love Claudia."
Remembering the Mrs. DeRidder called her students "my little cupcakes," former student Caroline Prybyl, 11, presented her with real cupcakes.
Andrew Barber remembered, "She was a really nice teacher, and she always threw Jolly Rangers from behind the cubbies." Another former student, Martin Keefe, 12, said "She was always there whenever someone needed help, and also she was just a great teacher."
The cookies and lemonade table was put to constant use, and big kids and small played together as local musician Bob Keefe had children singing and dancing. The celebration was festive and loving.
Earlene Carr, Interim Principal of the RC Buckley Elementary School summed up, "I am delighted to be here on the auspicious occasion of saying 'well done' to Claudia DeRidder. She's been an exemplary model for our children. She's so talented and creative. We all wish her the very best health, happiness and luck. She's going to find the golden pot at the end of the rainbow, and we wish that for her."