- By Dan Veaner
- Around Town

The weather was determined to cooperate with the graduating class of 2005. As family and friends gathered at the upper ball field, the sky was clear and the sun was shining.
As the graduates marched onto the field through the traditional flowered arches, the Lansing Central School Symphony Orchestra, led by Gail Hughes, played "Pomp and Circumstance."
Class President, Joseph Hardie was the first speaker. His light hearted, sentimental speech set a warm tone for the ceremonies to come. "That was the first 18 years of our lives," he said. Remembering the old playground, he called it "the only playground in the world where you could get slivers so big that once you pulled them out you'd get in trouble for having weapons." He remembered 9/11 as "that fateful day that made us mature well beyond our age." He summed up, "why bother with all this? Bother because life isn't worth living if it's not worth remembering.
Next up was Class Salutatorian, Brian Stillwell. After congratulating his fellow graduates, he sang a song instead of giving a speech. The theme was "it's just begun" with lyrics including "don't you know we're the movers and shakers" and "it's our time."
Principal Michelle Stone told the crowd, "I'm glad to have spent the last three years watching them grow into the fine individuals that they are today. We've shared a lot together. I've watched them at their best playing at athletic events, singing and playing their instruments in concerts."
"I am proud to say that over half the class will be recieving a Regents diploma with advanced designation. Ninety four percent will be going on to enlist in the military or to further their education at two or four year schools," said Ms. Stone. "Even though many think of Senior year as a time to wind down and coast, 54 members of the class took a total of 92 advanced placement exams. 67 Seniors took advantage of 80 dual credit courses with TC3. Their accomplishments, if listed this evening, would have us sitting here until dawn... which wouldn't be bad, because it would be cooler at that point."
She finished by saying, "No matter what situations they have found themselves in this year they have astounded me with their talents and abilities."
Nick Berra gives the Lansing Lions Club Award
About 45 awards and scholarships were given out, showing a wide rande of talent and accomplishment.
Lyle Wadell presents the Wadell Family Scholarship
Superintendent Corliss Kaiser presents the Superintendent's Award Scholarship
Dan Cheatham recieves the Dean & Adaline Weibly Scholarship
Valedictorian Catherine Calhoun's told the crowd, "For our class it was not a question of survival, but a question of how much we could take away from the time that we shared together." She thanked parents and families, the faculty and staff, and the graduating students, saying "it's amazing how much of our success came from team effort." She said that success goes beyond the typical definitions, that the "uncelebrated activities that establish the true meaning in a person's life."
After a jubilant presentation of diplomas, the orchestra played "The Masterpiece" as the audience stood to honor the Lansing graduates of 2005.