- By Dan Veaner
- Around Town

"They are going to build a 12x16 foot prefab shed themselves," Overstrom told the board. "The location is near the park's maintenance shop near the small Town marina area. There's a light pole there and a water spigot for that corner where the small marina is."
Years ago on the north side of the wall where boat trailers now park. Later there was a bait shop on Ridge Road that recently shut down. Williamson and Jolly saw an opportunity to bring a bait shop back to the park. But planning procedures must be completed before they can open for business.
The park is zoned L1, which requires sight plan review for a bait shop there. The Town has to give the county 30 days for a '239 review' after which Overstrom can present the site plan to the town Planning Board. Overstrom says he has had verbal contact with county planners who told him it seems like a simple proposal that they would approve of.
While they are waiting Overstrom says he offered them the option of starting at the Rod & Gun Club, which would allow an immediate opening because the zoning allows bait shop operation. But they told him that a bait shop needs to be near the water and they want to wait until they can open there.
"They would love to be open right now," Overstrom says. "They're excited. I told them it's going to take at least a month for site plan review and they are willing to see it through."
The partners anticipate being open from 6am to 6pm, from April to November.