- By Dan Veaner
- Around Town

"Every year New York State has a week where we recognize our boards of education," she said. "This year it is October 29th to November 2nd. We do not have a board meeting during that time, so we are going to recognize you this evening."
Pettograsso sent invitations to bring people to the meeting to thank board members. She gave each school board member a copy of the proclamation, and listed a number of events and gifts planned including special messages and quotes on the Ridge Road marquee, donations to each of the school libraries on behalf of the board, an invitation for board members to lead the elementary school Halloween Fall Parade, letters to the editor in local newspapers, PTSO pins to show Lansing pride, athletic courtesy passes for each board members. Cake and punch were served.

Pettorgasso read Governor Cuomo's proclamation, "Whereas each year School Board Recognition Week is observed by more than 700 school districts throughout the Empire State, and whereas the men and women serving as members of our school boards are dedicated to children, learning, and community and devote many hours of service to elementary and secondary public education as they continually strive for improvement, excellence and progress in education, and whereas the members of New York's local school boards respond to educational needs of the communities they serve, and in doing so these leaders help strengthen our state's educational system and improve future prospects for our children, and whereas during October 29, 2012 to November 2nd, 2012 special activities and programs will be held across New York State in observance of School Board Recognition Week and it is fitting to join in acknowledging the commitment and contributions of members of local school boards, now therefore I, Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York, do hereby proclaim October 29, 2012 - November 2, 2012 as School Board Recognition Week."

"I've seen the hard work that you do, the time commitment, the meetings you attend behind the scenes that nobody knows about," Pettograsso said. "It's truly because you care about our community, and you care about the children here. And you care deeply about the sustainability of our schools."