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- Around Town

At the ceremony, Hall-Ruquet received a certificate of merit from Senator James L. Seward, a letter from the NY state Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand, and a gift card. She was nominated by New Roots staff for her outspoken advocacy against bullying and her actions to promote acceptance, inclusion and compassion for all students.
In November, the Cortland Area Communities that Care (CACTC) and the Youth Involvement Committee sought nominations of exemplary and noteworthy youth (ages 14-19) who reside in Cortland County for the Award. The group’s goal is to recognize area youth for their achievements by our community. A community panel reviewed all nominations and selected the awardees.
Finalists exhibit personal accomplishments in one or more of the following areas:
- Community engagement / involvement
- Leadership
- Overcoming significant challenges
- Personal merit
Next year, Hall-Ruquet plans to study Communications at Finger Lakes Community College.