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Archive: Around Town

posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Duncan

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by Sarah Post

duncan3 Hello! I'm Duncan, and I'm looking for a quiet home with gentle people. I get a little overwhelmed by lots of new people and places, but once I know you, I'll show you my silly side. I love scratches, cuddling, and already know a few basic tricks. I like treats and would happily learn some more tricks if you teach me! I'm housebroken and don't chew anything except my toys, but I still like to have my crate to nap in and be my "safe zone." I bounce around like a puppy when you get the leash to take me for a walk. Because I am easily startled, a family with teenagers or an adult only home would be my preference. A yard where I can run around with you would be wonderful too! I'm nervous with dogs I don't know, but I might be okay with a calm dog who will give me time to work up my courage. Do I sound like a good match for you? Then you should come in to the shelter and ask to meet me!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Pathways Committee Opens New Murdock Spur

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murdockspur 120The Lansing Pathways Committee has been working for over a year on the opening of a new trail.  After careful review by the Town and after receiving commitments from the property owners for easements, the committee constructed a walking bridge across the creek, then cleared the trail of brush and limbs.  The new Murdock Spur connects Scoops Ice Cream to the Lansing Center Trail via the new walking bridge.

The new trail is called the Murdock Spur because part of it runs along the old Murdock railroad bed. The bridge and trail were funded and constructed solely by volunteers.  Scoops has enthusiastically supported this endeavor and is instituting a new punch card to encourage hikers to walk the spur followed by an ice cream treat (or the other way around).  Look for the ice cream cone blazes along the trail, all hand painted by committee members.

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posticon Powers Earns Eagle Rank

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alexeagleOn March 24th, 2016, Alex Powers officially earned his rank of Eagle and became an Eagle Scout with Boy Scouts of America.  Alex has been in scouting since he was in 1st grade.  His goal was always to earn his Eagle Rank and he was able to do that by the age of 15.

Alex's Eagle Project included building a support structure for a soap stone sign that was donated to the Lansing Parks and Recreation some 15 years ago.  The sign has park rules etched into it for Ludlowville Park.  The sign was very heavy and required a sturdy structure to hold it.  The structure will be painted white (to match the gazebo and other sign) once the wood has cured. The Ludlowville Inn sign was also made more appealing by painting the existing sign, making an enhancement to the sign structure, adding matching post toppers, and painting the posts white.

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posticon Dear Margaret - Why the Resistance

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dearmargaretHi Margaret: I’ve been working for a company for 3 weeks now. Immediately after my first day of work I noticed a number of ways to improve processes at the company that would save not only time, but money. When I approached the owner of the company about this, I was met with not only anger, but disdain. And this isn’t the first time in my life that this has happened to me. I can’t understand why company owners or executives feel the need to keep doing things the way they’ve always been done when presented with evidence that improving procedures would be of such benefit. It’s frustrating and makes me feel like no one really cares about maximizing profits and improving employee performance. Why do I meet with such resistance?

Why the Resistance

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posticon TCPL to Celebrate Campaign Conclusion, Unveil LEGO Model

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legoTompkins County Public Library, in partnership with the Tompkins County Public Library Foundation, will host a public celebration marking the conclusion of the 21st Century Library Campaign, including a public unveiling of its much-acclaimed LEGO library, from 4 to 6 p.m., June 18.

"This will be a fun-filled celebration of our 21st Century Library Campaign," said Suzanne Smith Jablonski, executive director of the Tompkins County Public Library Foundation, "as well as an opportunity for us to thank those who have and continue to support the programs, collections and services of our public library."

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posticon Wells Adds Majors In Sustainability And Criminal Justice

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wellsAurora, New York—Wells College has received New York State approval for Bachelor of Arts programs in Criminal Justice and Sustainability. Students will have the opportunity to declare either major immediately. Both programs were previously established as minors and are rooted in a multidisciplinary approach that combines theory with practical knowledge.

"The programs were designed in response to a lot of student interest as well as a significant focus on each topic not just in higher education but in our society as a whole," said Provost and Dean of the College Cindy Speaker. "They're not new areas of study, but there are a lot of new and innovative ideas around them. We recognize the importance of Wells graduates being prepared to lead these cultural conversations and developments."

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posticon Watershed Wall Signs Updated

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ipei WW Right Legend with Wall 120The Watershed Wall, a clay tile mural created in 2010 by students of the Ithaca City School District as a result of a public art collaboration between the City of Ithaca and the Ithaca City School District (ICSD) art teachers, has new signage. This project was facilitated by the Fine Arts Booster Group, an affiliate of the Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI), and supported by many community organizations.  The new mural signs include legends that indicate the sections made by each school.

The wall is located near Cinemapolis in the alley behind the Commons, and send thanks to Ithaca City School District's (ICSD) art teachers.  This large project is a permanent celebration of the creativity of the ICSD visual art teachers and their dedication to arts education.  The 55 foot mural design represents an aerial view of the creeks feeding Cayuga Lake, Ithaca's watershed.  The clay tiles represent land and the lake rocks represent water, celebrating art and nature.  This design was created by district art teachers with inclusive and developmentally appropriate educational goals in mind.

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posticon Tenure For Ten and New Elementary School Principal Hired

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tenure2016 400Front row (left to right) Stephen Jones, Andrea Schneider, Colleen Ledley. Back row (left to right) Therese Carvey, Jennifer Kadlecik, Carolyn Shaw, Jill Cusack, Cassandra Kempston, Mary Beth Fantacone, Courtney Osborne.

Eight teachers, a school counselor and a principal were granted tenure Monday at the Lansing Board of Education meeting.  Additionally the Board made the appointment of Lorri Whiteman official.  Whiteman willserve as Principal of the elementary school.

"The very best thing we can do for our students and families is hire exceptional educators and administrators," said Lansing School Superintendent Chris Pettograsso.  "That's clearly what we're doing today."

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posticon An Afternoon of Robots

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Cornell CupLast month Cornell systems engineering students opened the engineering maker lab to Lansing physics and robotics students for a hand-on afternoon with some familiar robots... and some not so familiar ones.  The lab is responsible for the Intel-Cornell Cup embedded design competition, which challenges college students to invent new, innovative applications of embedded technology. 

"When you think of Cornell engineering students tinkering away in some basement lab, this is it! The Systems Engineering Lab located in the basement of Carpenter Hall is a 'makers' paradise," says Cornell University Engineering PR and Content Manager Syl Kacapyr.

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Frodo the Dog

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by Sarah Post

frodo Are you looking for a super-cute, super-fluffy, small dog with lots of personality? That’s me! I’m Frodo, a young, energetic dog looking for a new home. I’m crate-trained, know a few basic commands, and love to go for walks. Imagine all the fun places we could explore! I can be a bit bossy when things aren’t going the way I wanted, but if you show me the rules of the house and I know what to expect, I think we’ll get along fine. I’m just a “heart on my sleeve” kind of guy who has to tell you what I’m thinking. I don’t really like sharing my food or your attention, so I’d prefer to be an only pet, but I guess a laid-back cat or dog would be okay. (Herding cats is really tempting, though, so if your cat won’t like that we might not be the best match.) I don’t get along with kids, so I’m looking for an adult-only home. I bark a lot when I’m excited, so I might not be the best choice for an apartment pet; I need to make sure everyone knows about the interesting things I saw! Do I sound like a good fit for your household? If so, come to the shelter and visit me!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Lansing Middle Schooler Scores Perfectly

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A student representing Lansing Middle School recently received a perfect score in the last of three meets for this year's WordMasters Challenge™—a national vocabulary competition involving nearly 150,000 students annually.

Competing in the difficult Blue Division of the WordMasters Challenge™, eighth grader Fiona Lory-Moran earned a perfect score of 20 in the recent meet.  Nationally, only 7 eighth  graders achieved a perfect score.  Other students at Lansing Middle School who achieved outstanding results in the final meet include seventh grader Hana Thibault.

The students at Lansing Middle School were coached in preparation for the WordMasters Challenge™ by Cathy Moseley.

The WordMasters Challenge™ is an exercise in critical thinking that first encourages students to become familiar with a set of interesting new words (considerably harder than grade level), and then challenges them to use those words to complete analogies expressing various kinds of logical relationships.  Working to solve the analogies helps students learn to think both analytically and metaphorically. Congratulations to all of the WordMasters at Lansing Middle School!

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posticon PLEDGE 4 Ithaca Launches Fight Against Sexual Assault

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pledge4ithacaA new community campaign, PLEDGE (Protect, Listen, Educate, Defend, Guide and Empower) 4 Ithaca, was recently founded in an effort to help end sexual assault and rape in local secondary schools. Although efforts to stop sexual violence have been implemented at the college level, similar programs haven't been created for students in elementary, middle and high schools or their families. While our coalition takes pride in our community, this is something that Ithaca is not immune to. The creation of PLEDGE 4 Ithaca has been developed for more than a year with the support of many community leaders who have a passion to end this violence against our children.

Raising local, regional and national awareness about rape and sexual violence in secondary schools will build a sphere of understanding and compassion. By getting communities, parents, educators and other stakeholders to get involved, this will not only spread the message, but will also help to positively impact the campaign's mission. Raising awareness will help provide our community with state and federal funding that we need to support education in secondary schools, health facilities, advocacy centers and the criminal justice system.

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posticon Library System Offers Free Mobile Movie, Music, eBooks Access

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books1Finger Lakes Library System and the public libraries of Cayuga, Cortland, Seneca, Tioga, and Tompkins Counties announced Wednesday the public availability of thousands of digital movies, television shows, music albums, eBooks, audiobooks and comics, all available for mobile and online access through a new partnership with hoopla digital starting Monday, June 13.  All that's required is a library card from one of the thirty-three libraries in the Finger Lakes Library System.

Cayuga, Cortland, Seneca, Tioga, and Tompkins card holders will be able to download the free hoopla digital mobile app on their Android or IOS device or visit  to begin enjoying thousands of titles – from major Hollywood studios, record companies and publishers – available to borrow 24/7, for instant streaming or temporary downloading to their smartphones, tablets and computers.  Patrons are able to borrow up to three hoopla selections per month with their library cards.  Movies and television shows are available on patrons' devices for 3 days after check out.  Music is available for 7 days and audiobooks are available for 21 days.  All items are returned automatically, eliminating the possibility of late fees.

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