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Archive: Around Town

posticon Hale and Hearty

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A few years ago, my heart stopped functioning properly. A cardiac artery was blocked, and I felt some strange and scary symptoms. The blockage was relieved with a stent, and the hospital that installed it included a detailed lecture to all such patients. They don’t want to see us again. Heeding that information has kept me healthy, and I want to share what I’ve learned.
Heart patients and others on low fat diets can’t order many restaurant pasta dishes because they’re too rich. Anything Alfredo is out of the question, and the meats and cheeses disqualify most of the rest of the menu.

I’m rather partial to ravioli, which in restaurants or frozen food cases is much too high in saturated fat to be safe. The solution? I make it myself. It’s really not that hard, if you have the right tools. You’re getting the first look at a recipe I’ve developed that’s so good that non-dieters will gobble up your share if you let them.
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posticon Natural Lifestyle -- Evolution Instead of Resolution

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suzana naturallifestyle 120The first week of 2015 is behind us! Countless resolutions are still wrapping up the anxiously ambitious minds of many. Gyms are overflowing with new members. Magazines and social media advertise overzealous dieting tips to lose the extra pounds gained over the holidays. Three days, ten days, two weeks detox regimes are setting a race for a big prize of all inclusive arrangements for better and healthier us. Numerous workshops and seminars offer jump start to, well- new everything! We are determined to change our bodies, our careers, our relationships, our lives... and as a result, we never quite get there.  But there are effective things we can do.

It happens that a calendar beginning on the New Year takes place in the time of the deepest winter. Days are very slowly getting longer, wind chills are oftentimes below zero, forecasts brimming with blizzardy conditions, snow drifts, ice, and slush. The plant and animal world are tranquil and resting or hiding. Whether we like it or not, we humans are still an inseparable part of Nature's wholeness, regardless of our cultural and civilizational 'advancements'. What surrounds us, affects us in many ways. Winter too!
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posticon Engineering And Entrepreneurship At Ithaca High School

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ihs2012 120The IthacaSTEM Advocates, an affiliate of the Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI) has created an entrepreneurship component to the capstone pre-engineering class at Ithaca High School. With the help of  community members, students have been taught and mentored as they develop a product idea before doing the research and design preparation for building a prototype. On December 18, students pitched their ideas to a panel of judges at the Business Idea Challenge Night held at Rev, the new business incubator in downtown Ithaca.  The judges decided which teams would receive funding needed to buy supplies for their prototyping during the spring semester of EDD, Engineering Design and Development of the Project Lead the Way series of high school courses.

Six teams of students pitched the following ideas: MediMove for putting an auto-injector into a smartphone case, Full Cycle Bikes to use bikes to generate power in the developing world, Pump-Action Mods to improve the Nerf Retaliator for Humans vs. Zombies games, Lake Rake for a better hydrilla sampling solution, Human Power to create a wearable human-powered device to charge a smartphone, and The Plug Saver to protect grounding plugs on power tools to improve safety.
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posticon Four New Concerts in the Courtroom and Four Open Mic Nights

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esac concert120This Saturday at 7pm the second 'Concert in the Courtroom' series begins with Lansing favorites Marty & Shannon.  Hosted by the East Shore Arts Council in the Lansing Town Hall, the winter concert series comes on the heels of a successful Fall series that featured five bands and three open mic nights.  The new series will feature four bands on the second Saturday of each month and four open mic nights on the fourth Saturdays.  It will also feature The Dean's List, Dan Veaner on Celtic harp and Bob & Dee.

"The first series was great," Veaner says.  "We had some wonderful musical experiences.  We really discovered what a beautiful space that courtroom is.  The acoustics are amazing.  It's an intimate venue.  I heard people saying how great it was to be able to really hear the essence of the music without the distraction of a background noise from a bar or a restaurant."
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posticon Affordable Health Care Recipients Must Complete New Tax Form

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tax 1040 120Millions of Americans who get their health insurance through work are benefitting from the Affordable Care Act, and millions of others have signed up for the Health Insurance Marketplaces and received financial assistance to lower their monthly premiums.

"For the vast majority of Americans, tax filing under the Affordable Care Act will be as simple as checking a box to show they had health coverage all year," says Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew.  "A fraction of taxpayers will take different steps, like claiming an exemption if they could not afford insurance or ensuring they received the correct amount of financial assistance. A smaller fraction of taxpayers will pay a fee if they made a choice to not obtain coverage they could afford.  We are working to ensure that whatever their experience, consumers can easily access clear information since this is the first year they will see certain changes to their tax returns."
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posticon Around Town in 2014

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2014 Retrospective Around-Town

townhall 120Lansing is a busy community, and we can't begin to cover everything that happens here.  So it is inevitable that many things will be left out of this review.  Consider this a 'taste' of activities that took place here last year.  More of a smorgasbord, with manny offerings and events.

Lansing is nothing if not a generous community.  And the community likes to celebrate itself and the various people and causes it loves.  After a half dozen years of hosting the Lansing Harbor Festival the Lansing Community Council changes its focus last summer with Celebrate Lansing.  And of course it sponsored the Independence Day fireworks at Myers Park as well.

Not to be outdone, the Lansing Rod & Gun Club hosted its first annual Sportsman Show.  Despite so-so weather the turnout was great, and the activities and booths were varied.

For 24 years local Vietnam Veterans of America's chapters have hosted an enormous bonfire at Myers Point to symbolically guide all those missing in action and lost on the battlefield back home.  You don't have to be from a military family to be deeply moved by this annual ceremony.  No matter how many times you attend, the Watchfire never fails to remind all of us how much our men and women in the military sacrifice to keep us all safe.

To drive that point home, our interview with Lansing Marine Robert Boda was a real eye-opener.  He was part of the Fifth Marine Regiment, First Marine Division, Second Battalion, Fox Company on the front lines in the thick of the Battle of Okinawa, the last major battle before the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Soft spoken, with an enthusiastically positive attitude, Boda told us about his experience on the front lines in one of the most vicious battles in history.  The interview was inspiring, as Boda quietly radiated his love for his family and his country.

The Lansing Lion's Club is well known for its pancake breakfasts and its fabulous 4th of July Chicken barbecue that fills Myers Park every year.  Aside from the sorts of charitable activities you might expect, the Lions have donated numerous structures to the community, including several of the pavilions at Myers Park, including the bandstand, and the lansing Community Center.

One of the most active groups in town is the North Lansing Auxiliary, whose members work tirelessly all year 'round to raise money for scholarships and charitable purposes.  Based in the North Lansing Fire Station, the group is known for its pancake breakfasts and the annual Election Day Dinner and Supper, but its activities are not limited to these things.

The brewery at the Rogue's Harbor Inn had an eventful year in 2014.  In May the brewery opened a beer tasting room, which is open weekends inside the brewery, which stands in the small building next door to the inn.  In December the brewery changed its name from Rogues' Harbor Brewing Co. to Stouthearted Brewing. The change was prompted by a trademark infringement suit that was brought against the small Lansing brewery by the Oregon Brewing Co, AKA Rogue Ales in Washington state.  Inn owner Eileen Stout says she would likely have won the lawsuit, but it would have been too costly to fight. The new name incorporates Stout's name with triple meaning -- think of it as Stout's stout for the stouthearted.

Pete LarsonOne of the more pleasurable interviews this year was with local farmer Pete Larson, who swapped his life as a high powered architect for a small, sustainable family farm.  His familiy is the seventh generation to work the farm his grandfather worked when Larson was a child.

Of course the schools were as busy as always this year.  It would be impossible to list all the activities on the Lansing campus, but here are a few of the highlights from each of the three schools.  We include the elementary school halloween parade each year because it is so darned cute.  Who can resist?
The Girl's Juvenile Correctional Facility closed down this year, and plenty of potential buyers are interested.  Local not-for-profits, a school, a church, and the Town itself showed interest in taking over the facility, which includes several buildings including a gymnasium with a pool, an outdoor greek theater, nd beautiful landscape with ponds, streams, and grassy hills.  Few locals realize that the main building there was originally owned by the Jehovah's Witnesses, who had a school there.  across the street from the facility, Kingdom Farm is also for sale.  The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is reportedly asking $3 million dollars for the 500 acre farm.

If you live in Lansing you probably don't need outside inspiration to be generous.  But if you do, there is nothing more exciting than watching kids give of their time and talents and money to help their neighbors in need.  Last month they were at it again, helping to sort a mountain of food, much of it donated by Lansing kids, for the Lansing Food Pantry.  

And speaking of the Food Pantry, it moved to its new home at The RINK/The FIELD in October.  The Community Recreation Center, Incorporated, which owns and manages the facility, donated the space, which provides a new, convenient location with plenty of parking and plenty of much needed room.

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posticon IPEI Grant Helps Push Back Zombie Apocalypse

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ipei zombie120Boynton Middle School sixth-grade students in Vinnie Alcazaren and Keith Harrington's classes completed a four-week study of pandemics and geography with a culminating project that brought the 40 students to 4-H Acres on Halloween to practice their survival skills with Primitive Pursuits staff members. 'Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse: A Study of Pandemics & Geography' was partially funded by a Red and Gold Grant from the Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI).

"Our goal was to produce a large, problems-based learning unit that would engage the students while focusing on critical reading and math skills", said Harrington, who had previously worked with Primitive Pursuits and thought they would be a natural partner for the subject matter.  "I seek any way I can to incorporate popular culture (e.g. zombies) into class work. It's a huge plus when you get a great amount of enthusiasm and engagement while also teaching students to critically analyze a topic!" added Alcazaren.
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posticon Rotary Club Of Ithaca Inducts New Members

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The Rotary Club of Ithaca introduced three individuals who have recently joined the service club. These community members bring professional experience from the business and not-for-profit sectors and volunteer in Tompkins County. Ithaca Rotary's motto is "Service Above Self." Membership is open to all who share in this belief; new members are accepted year-round.
"The Ithaca Rotary Club is delighted to welcome these individuals," said Rotary Membership Chair Ron Provus. "Our members come from all walks of life and have a wide variety of interests to match those of Rotary. As members of Ithaca Rotary, individuals give of their time and skills to positively impact the needs of our community."
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posticon Local Author Blows Up Earth... Maybe

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csmith 120Did a couple of aliens named Silas and Sawyer try to blow up Earth by mistake?  After crash-landing on Earth when they meant to go to Mars?  We don't really know, but we do know they landed here and had to ask an Earth boy named Dalton where they had ended up.  That's the pleasure of Casie Smith's '2 Aliens With 1 Bad Sense of Direction' -- that children act like children, and the aliens are, well, children.

"The aliens are saying 'Martians were attacking our planet. We were going to make peace, but if they don't want to we'll just blow them up,'" author Casie (Eastman) Smith explains.  "It's a comical version of young aliens' and a young boy's perspective on this very serious matter.  'Well, they started it.'"
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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Carter

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by Ashley Fleming

cartercollagev2A donor has challenged us with a pledge of $1,000 if we find a good home for Carter before the end of the month! He has been in the shelter for 6 months and everyone here knows he deserves a wonderful home! Carter is an adult dog (BONUS! Already potty trained!) of moderate energy level. While he is content with long and quiet walks, he has been known to engage in raucously silly play sessions any time he's offered the opportunity (a fenced in yard would be wonderful, but is not a requirement for adoption). When walked by a handler with consistent expectations, his leash manners are wonderful for a dog his size. After a good romp, Carter craves nothing more than to flop on the nearest available lap and soak up as many tickles as scratches as possible.

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Navy Petty Officer Benjamin Stanley On The USS Cole

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bstanleyMediterranean Sea -- Machinist’s Mate 1st Class Benjamin Stanley, from Cortland, NY, increases engine throttles to flank speed aboard USS Cole (DDG 67) while operating at sea Dec. 16, 2014. Cole, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, homeported in Norfolk, is conducting naval operations in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class John Herman/Released)

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posticon CBP Launches Border Wait Time App

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homelandsecurity 120Washington, DC —U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) launched the Border Wait Time app Wednesday, making it easier for travelers to plan their trip across the border. The app provides estimated wait times and open lane status at land ports of entry allowing travelers to make an informed decision of where and when to cross the border. Wait times for pedestrian and passenger and commercial vehicle crossings are broken down by lane type (standard, SENTRI, NEXUS, FAST, Ready Lane, etc.). Travelers can download the app beginning today for free from Apple's App Store and Google Play.

"CBP continues to deploy technology that enhances the travel experience at all of our ports of entry," said Commissioner R. Gil Kerlikowske. "The launch of this app will provide travelers crossing the land border with more information where and when they need it."
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posticon Lansing Trees For Troops Reach Afghanistan

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OpsGangChristmasUS Navy Lieutenant Commander Craig A Hennings wrote Richard and Kay Moore of Lansing's Moore Tree Farm a thank you for the Christmas tree they sent with ornaments from Lansing cub scouts. "We received the Christmas Tree at our camp in Kabul, Afghanistan. We want to say THANK YOU for sending it. The tree from New York brings us warmth and love. It makes us feel a little closer to the USA, and to the families we left behind. We even have presents around the tree now. We all love it!"

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