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Archive: Around Town

posticon Dear Margaret - About Those Millennials

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dearmargaret I work with a group of young people who are very bright, but for some reason they seem to want constant coddling. I hate to be one of those people who mocks this generation of millennials, but what gives with them? I'm responsible to oversee their work, and I have to spend so much of my time catering to their whims that I have trouble getting my own work done. Why are they this way? How can I get around it?
About Those Millennials

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posticon Helming Announces Local Veterans Hall of Fame Nominees

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watchfire powmiaflagfurl

Senator Pam Helming announced yesterday that 120 military veterans from the Wayne-Finger Lakes region have been nominated by their family members and friends for the New York State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame, including two Town of Lansing veterans. The local veterans reside in all six counties that Senator Helming’s district covers, represent all five branches of the U.S. military, and range from the World War II and Korean War eras, the Vietnam War and Cold War eras, and the current Global War on Terrorism era. Senator Helming accepted nominations at her District Office and through her website during the late summer and early fall in preparation for a series of Veteran Recognition Events in November to honor all of the nominees and coincide with Veterans Day.

“As the daughter of a U.S. Air Force veteran and the mother-in-law of a current U.S. Army soldier, I have the utmost respect and appreciation for everything that the men and women of our nation’s military have done and continue to do to protect our freedom and our way of life as American citizens. Our veterans contribute so much to our society both in and out of uniform, and they make our communities better places to live and work. We are fortunate that many of these extraordinary service members make their homes here in the Wayne-Finger Lakes region, and they help strengthen our communities and serve as pillars of our region. Thank you to the many people who took the time to pay tribute to a relative or friend who is a veteran by nominating them to the Veterans Hall of Fame. I look forward to recognizing our local veterans and honoring their service and sacrifice in celebration of Veterans Day,” Senator Helming said.

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posticon Cookies and Carols Concert for Lansing Theater and Performing Arts (LTAPA)

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Come hear music by the 3rd and 4th grade Nutcracker Chorus, Middle School Ensembles and the High School Show Choir while enjoying holiday cookies and beverages! Cookies and Carols will be Monday, December 3rd at 6:30 pm, in the Middle School auditorium. There will be raffles for valuable prizes including local area restaurant gift cards, sports tickets, holiday items and more.

Admission tickets will only be sold online this year and will go quickly! Click here to buy tickets or help by bringing cookies or volunteering the day of the event. Please no nuts or nut spreads. Cookies and Carols is LTAPA's biggest fundraiser of the year, helping us pay for theater and musicians' needs such as microphones, curtains, lights, scholarships and trips.

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posticon Interfaith Dinner

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posticon Remembering the Holocaust 80 Years After Kristallnacht

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fredvosswithstudentsFred Voss at Lansing High School in 2011

Eighty years ago today the Nazis destroyed more than 1,000 Jewish synagogues and over 7,500 Jewish businesses were destroyed, and 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and taken to concentration camps. It was known as Kristallnacht, the 'night of broken glass'.  In 1998 Fred Voss, a survivor of that infamous night, wrote this letter to his grandson.
My dear Grandson:

The absurdity of hate.

Last week you asked me a question. Your question was: How do I think the Holocaust will be remembered by future generations, after we survivors – like your grandmother and I – are no longer on this earth, and our eyewitness stories, especially the one about Kristall Nacht, can no longer be heard.

I have thought about your question and that leads me to write this letter to you.

One day, a student will read a history book, or he or she will enter the Holocaust Museum in Washington and wonder, Was it all true?

The student will wander through the exhibits at the museum and will ask: Were the victims that hopeless, that lonely, that abandoned, that rejected by most countries in this world?

How was it possible for an entire people, the Jewish people, to be chosen, to be singled out for humiliation and destruction?

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Trixie

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trixie dogBy Chloe Winter

Hi, I’m Trixie and I’m the sweetest dog ever! I have lived with cats and done well with them. I have also lived with dogs, but would need a canine friend who has good manners and patience, as I may not have the best dog-communication skills. Do you need a super loving canine companion? If so, I am your girl!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Dear Margaret - Want to be Heard

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dearmargaret In the current divisive political climate, I am a bit torn about social media postings. I want to have my voice heard and my opinions considered. I feel that by being silent I'm complicit in activities that go against my beliefs. I also want to use social media to see what my family is up to, see who got married, and learn who is in dire straits so I might aid in their comfort. However, it seems I can't accomplish both goals. How do you suggest I navigate this emotional minefield and still stay in touch with those I care about?
Want to be Heard

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posticon Election Day Dinner and Supper

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North Lansing Auxhiliary Election Day Dinner and Supper Photo by Karen Veaner

First vote, and then eat.  What's election day without the annual North Lansing Auxiliary Dinner and Supper?  Luckily there is no need to answer that question, because the annual event Tuesday at the North Lansing Fire Station was a grand success.  264 Dinners were served, and 407 Suppers, which, most importantly, included 120 pies.  Additionally the Auxiliary sold 60 quarts of canned beets.

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posticon Lansing School District Receives Dollar General Literacy Foundation Grant

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teachercenter Jen KadlecikLansing 8th Grade ELA teacherJen Kadlecik

The Dollar General Literacy Foundation awarded the Lansing Central School District a $2,000 grant to support youth literacy. This grant is part of more than $3.4 million the organization awarded to 915 recipients on August 28, 2018. Awarded annually at the beginning of the academic school year inception, youth literacy grants help support teachers, schools and nonprofit organizations throughout the 44 states that Dollar General serves.

"The Lansing Groton Teacher Center was thrilled to be able to work in collaboration with Jennifer Kadlecik, eighth grade ELA teacher at the Lansing Middle School, to help secure funding for her book study project," said Teacher Center Director Rhody O'Donnell. "Although the Teacher Center wasn't able to fund this work out of our own budget when Ms. Kadlecik originally approached the Teacher Center last spring, we were able to reach out to our community to see what potential funding was out there for Ms. Kadlecik. After talking with our colleague Sarah O'Shea, Head of Youth Services at the Tompkins Public Library, she was able to point us in the direction of the Dollar General Youth Literacy Grant. After a few brainstorming sessions with Ms. Kadlecik, we submitted the grant proposal for the project titled, Social Justice and the Power of Reading. The proposal was submitted late spring of 2018 and we were so happy to hear that we were awarded the funding for the 2018-2019 school year. This was a beautiful example of many of the stakeholders of our school community, including our partners from the School Improvement Services at TST BOCES, coming together and helping to create a really powerful learning experience for our students."

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posticon United Way Announces Matching Grant

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uwtc RevWright Nov1Rev. Nathanial Wright

United Way of Tompkins County (UWTC) announced their 2018-19 Campaign Committee and fundraising goal at an event this Thursday evening. This year's United Way campaign will be led by Co-Chairs Reverend Tim Dean, Reverend Nathaniel Wright and Pastor Ron Benson.

Dean is Chaplain at Cayuga Medical Center, a historic partner of United Way of Tompkins County. Wright is the pastor at Calvary Baptist Church and Benson is pastor at Baptized Church of Jesus Christ. These faith leaders will be joined by Honorary Co-Chairs and radio personalities Dave Ashton and Jenn Mattison from Lite 97.3. "This dynamic campaign team represents the values and history of United Way focusing on inclusivity, diversity, and community engagement," shared UWTC Chair of the Board Lynnette Scofield.

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posticon Winter Safety Tips For Lansing Residents

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With Thanksgiving just around the corner and the holiday season nearly in full swing, snow and ice will be arriving in Tompkins County soon enough. Want to be better prepared for this winter? Meteorologists predict that the temperatures will be slightly higher than average, but there will be plenty of snow and ice.

During the month of December, the high temperatures are predicted to be higher than average at the beginning of the month, will drop to below average mid-month, and rise back up to above normal to finish off 2018.

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posticon Lansing Gallery - 'Annie Jr' at Lansing Middle School

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Diane Duthie - Lansing Gallery"The sun'll come out Tomorrow
So ya gotta hang on 'Til tomorrow Come what may
Tomorrow, tomorrowI love ya tomorrow
You're always A day Away"

Annie Jr.', the story of Little Orphan Annie, her dog Sandy, Daddy Warbucks, and the nefarious Miss Hannigan is still playing at Lansing Middle School, so be sure to see it tonight at 6:30 or tomorrow (Saturday) at 2pm -- the last performance is "only a day away!"

Photos by Diane Duthie

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Cookie

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cookie catBy Chloe Winter

Hi, I'm Cookie! I'm an all black, female cat with a special short tail - it's really cute and unique! I'm only 2 years old, I have lived with cats and a dog before, and I'm ready to find my forever home! Won't you come and check me out?

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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