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Archive: Around Town

posticon County Completes Outdoor Recreation Tourism Plan

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stewartpark waterfront

Countless T-shirts and bumper stickers famously proclaim that 'Ithaca is Gorges'. Indeed, outdoor recreation was identified as the largest draw of leisure visitors to Tompkins County identified in the 2010 Visitor Profile Study. Considering this natural strength, the Tompkins County Tourism Program established a formal Outdoor Recreation Tourism Implementation Plan. On Monday, June 25th, the plan’s findings and recommendations were presented to the Planning, Development & Environmental Quality Committee of the Tompkins County Legislature.

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posticon Dear Margaret - Making the Fast Buck

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dearmargaret I have a coworker that seems to land choice clients that turn out to be lucrative and bring accolades from our superiors. What is irksome is that this person doesn't do any of the heavy lifting in our department. Their success always comes from calculated risk taking rather than hard work. I try to have a good attitude about the situation, but when I beat the street and work nights and weekends to further my career, to have a fellow employee consistently rise above me is getting frustrating. What gives with some people's ability to be so lucky?
Making the Fast Buck

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posticon 2018 Lansing Graduation

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Photos by Danielle Gerritsen, Gerritsen Photography  
CLICK HERE for contact information for ordering photographs from 2018 Lansing Graduation

"This year we honor 86 graduates," said Lansing High School Principal Colleen Ledley at last Friday's Lansing High School Commencement ceremony. "I am proud to say that over 62% of the class of 2018 will be receiving a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation. Out of 86 of our students 5 have earned a Technical Endorsement through their work at TST BOCES in addition to their diploma. 30 of our seniors have been recognized as scholar athletes. 11 of our seniors will be joining the workforce, an internship or the military. 13 students will be attending a 2 year college and 62 will be attending a 4 year college.

"In their last 2 years at LHS, 43 of our seniors took a total of 112 advanced placement exams. 82 seniors earned a total of 1,042 College Now Credits. Their accomplishments have earned this year's seniors over $37,000 in scholarships. "

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posticon Chittenden Honored As Pioneer Dairy Farming Advocate

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cornell Chittenden1Nate Chittenden, Dutch Hollow Farm. Photo by Jason Koski, Cornell University

To see why Nate Chittenden (Cornell '00) was the perfect choice to receive the inaugural Cornell University Hometown Alumni Award, you had to look no further than the beaming, multigenerational community of family, neighbors and friends who came to the celebratory event honoring him June 23 in Stuyvesant, New York.

Chittenden, a third-generation dairy farmer, co-manages Dutch Hollow Farm in Columbia County, about 15 miles south of Albany, with his brothers Alan '90 and Brian and his parents, Paul and Melanie. With about 1,500 head of cows and heifers, Dutch Hollow Farm has the second-largest registered Jersey herd in the state and has received several national cattle association honors.

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posticon Local Teen Cooks for the Climate

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st nolan

Shea Nolan probably had one of the more sustainability focused childhoods in Ithaca. The father of this LACS graduating senior is the owner of Home Green Home on the Ithaca Commons, so Shea's family was always checking out products for their performance and their ecological footprint. He now has the chance to share some of his homegrown expertise after winning the second grant award from Sustainable Tompkins' Youth Climate Challenge program.

Shea's project is to develop a curriculum packet to teach 4th and 5th graders how to use a solar oven to cook delicious meals while imparting the basic science behind their use. The $637 grant from Sustainable Tompkins will be used to purchase three solar cookers and print and laminate lesson plans. Local schools and nonprofit partners like Cayuga Nature Center will be able to sign up to use the ovens and curriculum materials.

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posticon New Roots Charter School - Graduating Class of 2018

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New Roots Charter School celebrated the graduation of the Class of 2018 at a commencement ceremony on Saturday, June 15th, 10:30 am at Willard Straight Theatre at Cornell University. The program featured musical performances by senior members of the New Roots Rock Band, reflections on New Roots education by graduating seniors, and a ceremonial "passing of the torch" to the Class of 2019.

"We are so proud of the Class of 2018 not only for their leadership in our learning community, but also for the ways that their accomplishments are being recognized by community organizations and colleges," said Tina Nilsen-Hodges, Principal and Superintendent of New Roots.

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posticon Lansing Fireworks and Independence Day Concert

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Saturday, June 30, 2018  Myers Park in Lansing

Concert by Iron Horse begins at 6pm

Fireworks go off at 9:30

Food Available 

Park and Ride shuttle buses from Lansing Schools

Myers Park will close at 8pm -   Residents of Myers Road will have access

Donations and volunteers are welcomed

Sponsored by the Lansing Community Council

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posticon Dear Margaret - Devastated Daughter

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dearmargaret I was helping my step mom take care of my dad, who has had dementia for about ten years. A few times a week I would take him out for lunch, to a park, to church, to my house, etc. He recently has taken a turn for the worse after a bout with the flu, and she will no longer allow me to take him on outings. He has stability issues, but is not completely bed ridden. This breaks my heart. We both enjoyed this time together, and I don't know how much time he has on this earth. I don't think she's trying to be cruel, but she's tightened control of him and it feels unfair to me. What can I say to her to make her understand how I feel that will convince her to loosen the reigns on him so we can continue to enjoy each other up until the end?
Devastated Daughter

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posticon June Interfaith Dinner

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interfaith june
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posticon Within Reach - The Americade Motorcycle Rally

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Within reachMotorcycles are everywhere.

You see those blue signs everywhere beginning in March – no matter how cold it is. 
Being a biker is a combination of rebellion, fantasy, freedom with just a touch of insanity thrown in. Now imagine an event that draws tens of thousands of bikes to one little town, roughly the size of Groton.

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Atlantis

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atlantisBy Chloe Winter

The name's Atlantis, and I just can't wait to meet you! Who wouldn't want a friendly, affectionate, and very playful dog in their life? Speaking of play, do you love fetch as much as I do? Let's find out! Oh goodness, I just get so excited when I know it's time to play. Because I get so pumped-up when I play, it'd be best to have a home with no young kids (12+ is ideal.) Woah- I'm getting pumped just dreaming of all of the fantastic times we are going to have together! Do you think we could become best friends?

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Rainbow Flag Flies Over Lansing

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Pride Month flag flies above Lansing Town Hall

The Lansing Town Board unanimously passed a flag and banner display resolution Wednesday, still in time to honor June as Pride Month.  A flag presented to Town Supervisor Ed LaVigne by Joanne and Deborah Cipolla-Dennis was raised below the American Flag in front of Lansing Town Hall Thursday morning.

"Seeing the Rainbow Flag, a sign of acceptance, love, protection says we care about your experience here.  We notice that you are citizens and that you do need a different kind of leadership and recognition than your heterosexual counterparts," Joanne Cipolla-Dennis told the Town Board before they voted on the resolution.

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posticon R2P Builds New Theater in the Ithaca Mall

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Running 2 Places Builds New theater

Running to Places Theatre Company (R2P) Artistic Director and founder Joey Steinhagen raised the curtain on the next stage of the youth theater company.  Literally the next stage, because he announced Saturday that R2P will be building a theater complex in the old movie theater space in The Shops at Ithaca Mall.  About 120 current and former company members and supporters were lured to the mall with the promise of a 'big reveal', but were not told what it would be about.

"It's got to be something we can actually achieve," Steinhagen said. "It can't just be a dream... it has to be something that actually can happen.  It would also be cool if it weren't just a selfish thing for us, but to other organizations and businesses in the community.  If it somehow added value to our community.  So we came up with a plan, and it's this: we're going to build a theater right here in the mall."

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