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Ithaca College has selected Finger Lakes Technologies Group Inc. for Internet bandwidth services.  Under the terms of a five-year agreement, FLTG will provide redundant Internet bandwidth to Ithaca College. The college will receive 45-megabyte bandwidth from FLTG's fiber optic network, which runs from Rochester to Ithaca.

"We are delighted that Ithaca College has contracted with FLTG to enhance its Internet bandwidth capacity," said FLTG President and CEO Paul Griswold. "This agreement represents the latest in a growing number of academic institutions that are turning to FLTG and our fiber optic network to meet their increasingly demanding networking needs."

"Ithaca College is pleased to acquire redundant bandwidth from Finger Lakes Technologies Group," said Bernard Rhoades, director, Network and Communication Services, Ithaca College. "Like other colleges and universities, we are heavily dependent on our Internet connection. FLTG's redundant bandwidth is extremely important to us, as it will help keep us connected, even as usage increases."


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