- By Patricia Brown, Integrated Business Ventures
- Business & Technology
Whether one experiences answer to prayer, a flash of insight or intuition, a message from one's Higher Mind, or a download from the ascended masters, there is a connection between the our thoughts and the divine. The power that comes from this communication is unmatched in any other human experience.
The power of mind in affecting our lives has been defined or described in the perennial wisdom traditions throughout the ages, from the monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, to Hinduism and Buddhism in the east, to the animistic and pagan beliefs of indigenous peoples and those who embrace their ideals in contemporary cultures throughout the world today, as well as by quantum physicists, from David Bohm, to Amit Goswami, Bill Tiller, and Fred Alan Wolfe, who share their findings in genres from the most scholarly to very digestible by any interested reader or YouTube surfer.
Why this emphasis on the power of intention in a business article? However we have experienced a theoretical dichotomy of work and spiritual life in this American culture, which was founded on a principle of separation of church and state, most of us have learned that they cannot be and are not separate. We may not overtly share our personal beliefs with our colleagues, but over 90% of all Americans polled have said they pray. Why? For answers, results, and comfort.
In our business, as well as in our personal lives, we have opportunities to create our hearts' desire. The art of manifestation begins with setting one's intentions - clearly and verbally. Authors and speakers abound, providing sage advice on how and why to tap into our innate ability to create our own reality. Two books I highly recommend are Everyday Miracles: The inner art of manifestation and The Laws of Manifestation, by David Spangler. Esther and Jerry Hicks, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, and Stuart Wilde, all provide numerous books and CDs, as well as downloadable info online at their sites and on YouTube, that are both fascinating and available for the average reader who is a non-academic as well as for those scholarly types as well:) Both the Science of Mind and Unity movement also provide a wealth of information and inspiration for those of us inquiring into using our minds and our consciousness to affect our lives.
Here's an online list of accessible, media savvy authors and thinkers who may provide insights to you in your path as a business owner interested in participating in your success, instead of taking a back seat to events that happen to you. Some of these are fun, some controversial, some scholarly - I hope, a taste for every taste!
Enjoy, till next week!
Patricia Brown is a partner in Integrated Business Ventures ,
which specializes in assisting business owners with significant transactions.
which specializes in assisting business owners with significant transactions.