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ImageThe Kiplinger Letter, a well-respected newsletter that offers weekly forecasts on business and economic trends, said in its April 23, 2010 issue in its section on the Economy that “…smaller cities are seeing improvement before some bigger cousins.

About two dozen larger metro areas, including Denver, Houston, Dallas, St. Louis…and Boston have put the recession behind them. But nearly 200 smaller cities have done so. From Huntsville to Peoria, Billings and Chattanooga to Ithaca, NY, metro areas with populations below a million are enjoying the swifter pickup in economic activity.”

“The Tompkins County economy has fared better than most areas in Upstate New York," says President of the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce President Jean McPheeters.  "I am encouraged by the number of new businesses that are joining the Chamber and indicators such as a strong housing market and new retail stores. My thanks to the entrepreneurs and the innovators who create new jobs and great opportunities here.”

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