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Originally performed by Mr. Nimoy himself, this production starring James Briggs, has been on tour for over two years. It is headed for an off-Broadway run in 2016. Briggs has over 100 performances of Vincent under his belt from Maine to Florida, and has also performed in many other productions in regional theaters such as The Sun Valley Repertory Company, The Asolo Theater, The Williamstown Theater Festival, and the Potomac Theater Project.
Today, Vincent Van Gogh is one of the most recognizable and beloved painters, however, in his lifetime he only sold one painting and critics labeled his work madness. His story is so much more than that of the misunderstood genius who cut off his own ear. In this play, Vincent's brother, Theo, movingly reveals Vincent as few knew him. After Vincent's death, Theo defends Vincent's legacy at a gathering of friends and colleagues (an actual historic event). Theo is not interested in telling the small story of the demise of one man. Rather, he argues the bigger meaning and significance of his brother's life to all humankind. As seen through the eyes of Theo, Vincent van Gogh lives on as a symbol of inspiration, courage, passion, and the lust for life that art kindles in all of us.
At times, Briggs also becomes Vincent and embodies the loving, passionate and brilliant man so cherished by his brother. BroadwayWorld.com described Briggs' performance as "flawless" and "masterful" and stated, "He is a thoroughly-engaging, eloquent narrator bringing great warmth, genuineness of feeling, and utter conviction to every aspect of his performance." Berkshire On Stage said this production is "enlightening and enjoyable" and "is not to be missed." The Burlington Free Press described it as "a visual treat" and The Valley Reporter called it "a fabulous mix of theater and art."
The Director, Dr. Brant Pope, has directed over one hundred productions over a thirty-year career at theatres such as Hartford Stage Company, The John Houseman Theatre, Tennessee Repertory Theatre, and Park Square Theatre. He is currently the chair of the Department of Theatre and Dance at the University of Texas at Austin. For eleven years, he served as director of the FSU Asolo Conservatory, and associate artistic director of the Asolo Theatre Company in Sarasota, Florida.
Vincent runs approximately 85 minutes, with no intermission. While appropriate for all audiences, it is best suited for adults and children ages ten and up.