- By David Foote
- Entertainment

Aurora, New York— The Wells College Theatre and Dance Department is proud to present the Fall Faculty Production "A Midsummer Night's Dream," written by William Shakespeare and directed by Associate Professor of Theatre Siouxsie Easter. "A Midsummer Night's Dream" will be performed in Phipps Auditorium of Macmillan Hall on the Wells College campus on Friday, October 23 and Saturday, October 24. The house will open at 7:00 p.m. and the show will begin at 7:30.
"A Midsummer Night's Dream" is Shakespeare's most beloved comedy. Director Siouxsie Easter says, "Audiences of all ages will enjoy this fast-paced run that takes us from Shakespeare's time to a modern-day 'forest.' There are many moments of laugh-out-loud comedy that make for a great evening."
The intricate set is designed by Wells College's new Technical Director Patti Goebel, with lighting design by Ithaca College senior Erik Herskowitz and costumes by Barbara Murphy. The show is stage managed by student Zjana Ray '18. The cast features twenty student actors from all disciplines and classes and one faculty member, and the stage crew is made up of both students experienced in technical theatre and those new to the field.
The cast includes Wells students Alissa Bell '18 (Art History), Missy Brewer '16 (English-Literature, Theatre and Dance), Reuben Bryan '17 (Theatre and Dance), Melanie Canales '16 (English-Literature), Luke Cornwell '16 (Theatre and Dance), Katelyn Costello '18 (English-Creative Writing), Thiago DeCoene '18 (Clinical Psychology), Devon Harris '18 (Political Science), Kailin Kucewicz '16 (Individualized Major in Business and Entrepreneurship), Michelle Lee '16 (English-Creative Writing, Women and Gender Studies), Eamonn Moneypenny Hall '19 (Theatre and Dance), Patrick Munroe '16 (English-Creative Writing), Hank Olivas '17 (Theatre and Dance), Kateri Pelton '18 (Theatre and Dance), Jacob Smith '17 (Film and Media Studies), Zach Tripsas '16 (Psychology), LeAnne Weber '19 (undeclared), Morgan Weigel '18 (Biology), Dana Winston-Day '17 (Theatre and Dance) and Kirsten Whistle '19 (Theatre and Dance). Professor of Anthropology, Ernie Olson, plays Snug the Joiner.