- By Fitz&Startz Productions
- Entertainment

Ashtabula & Phlemena Fitz&Startz have been teaching young people for decades. Focused on the classics, all their proteges know the great composers, their basic ballet steps and sing harmonies with gusto. But this year's group of middle schoolers would like to add some more contemporary music to the Annual Autumn Celebration. How does the 'age versus youth, old versus new' argument get sorted out? In A Case for the Classics all generations must learn from each other to be sure that "show must go on!" It's a music, dance and song-filled event for the whole family.
The cast includes Fitz&Startz Production veterans Travis Knapp, Natasha Bratkovski, Benno Ressa, and Mike Cyr. Making their Fitz&Startz Productions debuts are Nicole Bethany Onwuka and Kristin Sad (Ashtabula Fitz&Startz). Sylvie Yntema (Phlemena Fitz&Startz) completes the cast having been seen in 2001 in the earlier version of Lampert's The Puppy Plot. Rachel Lampert directs; Evie Hammer-Lester choreographs, and assistant directs; Hannah Kochman designs the costumes and Tasha Sinclair stage manages.
"I adore the loveable Sisters Fitz&Startz. They remind me of my music and dance teachers with all the eccentricities and surprises that go along with passionate personalities that inspire children to love music and dance. I can't wait for this new play to have an audience. Classical music lovers may find something unexpected, and all those who love a good laugh will find this a fun show", says writer, Rachel Lampert.
A Case for the Classics will be performed at the Kitchen Theatre Company Saturday October 21 at 1pm and Saturday, November 3 at 11am and 1pm for three performances only. Book/Lyrics by Rachel Lampert with music by Mozart, Schuman, Donizetti, Vivaldi and contemporary composer Benjamin Costello.