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ImageThe Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport is hosting its first annual juried art show. Frank Robinson, the Director of Cornell’s Johnson Art Museum, Brett Bossard, Director of the Community Arts Partnership, and Barbara Mink, the Artistic Director of Light in Winter, will be judging the show.

The first place prize will be a $500 travel voucher good for flying out of ITH. The 2nd prize will be a $250 travel voucher and all other participants whose work is picked will receive one-time long term parking vouchers good for $25.

“The airport has shown art for years, but we felt that by having this group show and working closely with the Community Arts Partnership, we would be showcasing our place in the community,” said Bob Nicholas, airport manager. “We will be donating the entry fees for the show to CAP.”

The theme for the show is “flight” which can be interpreted loosely. Painting, photography, outdoor sculpture and other mediums will be accepted. The deadline for submissions is May 1st.

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