- By Stephanie Miller
- Entertainment

Tits Fisher with Kitten's Kiss is an outrageous, ever-changing live show with one part Vaudeville, one part Vegas, a dash of dada, and all Rock & Roll! Direct from New York City, Jason St. Little (who appeared in the Hangar’s 2009 production of Rent), takes a cue from Tristan Tzara and the New York Dolls, and stars as “Tits Fisher”, with live band Kitten’s Kiss (featuring Music Director Mark Fifer, also from Rent) to perform a spectacular show mixed with music and mayhem. Tits Fisher With Kitten’s Kiss will present an exhilarating set of rock, punk, American Musical Theatre, and more!
At the Hangar Theatre for two performances only: Saturday, October 30th at 8pm and Sunday, October 31st at 2pm. This production contains mature content.