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by Dr. "Gabby" Macron

FUTURE PLANS: Last week, I got curious about what went on at The Safe Haven Chapel of the Perfect Ideal here in Underbelly, Texas. A place with two redundancies in its name should be interesting, and perhaps concerning, to us at the Center for English as a First Language. So I showed up Wednesday night to check it out.

I became concerned right away. The pastor, Elder Cyle Crisco, kept asking us, "what are your future plans?" and shouting at us to give some prayerful thought to our future plans.

My prayerful thoughts were to keep me from leaping to my feet and screaming, "Future plans? Future plans?? As if you could have plans for the past? Can't you just say plans and stop insulting us?"

I stayed in my seat, and the evening passed without incident. The only somewhat bright spot was the syrupy music, provided by a guest group, the TreacleTones.

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