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mailmanSolar Tompkins is holding tours Saturday at two Lansing homes in a county-wide program to show off solar energy possibilities.  The free event starts at 1 p.m. at 138 Brickyard Rd, which features a 4.1 kW ground-mounted system installed in 2010. The system features high-efficiency panels and a centralized inverter, and the property is also the home of the Take Your Pick Flower Farm.

The tour continues at 3 p.m. at 476 Van Ostrand Rd. The second home has a 9.5 kW roof-mounted system that was also added as a retrofit in 2013. The system features American-made standard efficiency panels on an old renovated 1860’s barn and a centralized inverter.

Solar Tompkins is a community solar program, which is working to double the total amount of solar PV installed at Tompkins County residences and small businesses. The program stems from “Solarize” projects across the country, including those in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Oregon and the recent Solarize Tompkins SE pilot project.

All towns in Tompkins County will be hosting Solar Tours in May and June. During the tours, the system owner will typically lead everyone through their system, and talk about how it works.

For more information, visit or contact Melissa Kemp at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Clean energy is good for Lansing's future.

Gay Nicholson
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