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Lansing Trail Committee Created

The Lansing Town Board has created and funded a Parks & Recreation/Trails Advisory Committee, and created a capital reserve fund to be used for 'Parklands and trailways planning and development, related land and use rights acquisitions, and related general equipment.  The committee will recommend initiatives to the Town Board, Parks and Recreation Department, and the Planning Department.  It will also coordinate with unofficial bodies that contribute to the initiatives, such as the volunteers that have been actively maintaining the Lansing Center Trail and improving Salt Point.

The resolution defines the committee as being comprised of someone who is a landscape architect or operator of private recreation facilities, one or two Town of Planning Board members, a representative of the Lansing Central School District, a large landowner, and a member of the Village of Lansing Greenway Committee.  Each position will be appointed for a two year term.

That Village representative is important because of long term plans to join the Town and Village trailways into one integrated system of walking trails.

In addition to advising on specific initiatives, the committee will assist in lobbying on issues related to its charter.  it is also charged with work to complete the Town of Lansing Parks, Recreation, and Trails Master Plan.

The resolution creating the committee specified a number of plans already being considered that the committee will provide input on.  These include the Town Center Trail; a connector trail between the Town Center land and the schools, Myers Park, and Ludlowville Park; extending the Town Center Trail to the north; connecting South Lansing with the Village of Lansing's Greenway trails; using abandoned railway beds and roads to extend trails; and connecting recreational trails such as those used for snowmobiles to town facilities.

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