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So far Lansing's Board Of Education is on schedule with their search for a new superintendent of schools.  Board members hope to have a short list of final candidates so that interviews can be conducted on the 22nd and 23rd of this month.  The deadline for applications is today, October 5th.  "Applications are coming in," says Board of Education President Tom Keane.  "Our search firm has been reviewing applications and conducting phone interviews."

The district secured the services of education consultant firm Castelo & Silky  to advertise and recruit for the position.  That firm does the initial vetting of candidates and expects to produce a list of about a half dozen candidates to present to the board.  Board members will attempt to reduce that list to a final three on October 16th, at which point interviews will be scheduled.

(From left end of table to right) Interim Superintendent Tom Helmer, school board members Mike Cheatham, Tom Keane, Anne Drake, David Dittman, Sandi Dhimitri, Glenn Swanson, Bonita Lindberg

A committee of 22 people made up of the Board of Education, parents, teachers, support workers, administrators, and community members will meet with the candidates after a training session conducted by experts from Castello & Silky.  While they will accept input from community members not on the committee, the number has been kept small to help assure candidates' confidentiality, which the consultants say will increase the chances of getting better qualified applicants.

If all goes well a new superintendent could be announced before the end of the year.  After the an applicant accepts the position it could take up to three months before he or she begins, depending on their current contractual obligations.


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