- By Jodie Rusaw
- News

The Board of Education of the Lansing Central School District has selected and appointed Dr. Stephen L. Grimm as its new Superintendent of Schools. He is expected to begin his duties as our Chief School Administrator on or about January 1, 2008. Dr. Grimm is currently the Executive Director of Secondary Schools in the Greece Central School District in Monroe County, which serves over 13,000 children. He has served as its Executive Director of Secondary Schools since September 2006. Previously, he served six years as a Middle/Senior High School Principal in the Wheatland Chili Central School District and served two years as Assistant Principal in the Canandaigua City School District.

Dr. Grimm was unanimously chosen from a very strong pool of candidates recruited as part of a regional search conducted over the last three months, with the assistance of the Castallo and Silky search firm. "The surveys, community focus groups and forums gave the Board a clear idea of the characteristics desired in a new superintendent. The community wants an energetic, collaborative, knowledgeable, experienced educator and we believe we have found that person in Dr. Grimm," said Board President Thomas Keane.
The Board noted that Dr. Grimm has successful experience in many of the focus areas that the community and Board feel is the future direction of the District. He has moved the Greece secondary schools forward in the areas of project-based learning, professional learning teams, and the use of a variety of forms of data to make decisions.
At Greece and Wheatland-Chili, Dr. Grimm has coordinated and assisted all aspects of curriculum review, articulation, instruction, and professional development. He has also formed strong bonds with parent groups through the creation of a quarterly newsletter, establishment of parent/teacher conferences at the secondary level, and improvements in the school's website capacity for communication.
Board President Keane said that "the Board is very excited about the enthusiasm, skills and experience that Steve is bringing to Lansing Central School District. Feedback from the interview teams, the site review team, reference calls, and the consultant screening process gives us confidence that the entire community will support him."
In accepting the Board's appointment, Dr. Grimm stated: "I am honored that the Lansing Board of Education has selected me as the next Superintendent of Schools. The Lansing Central School District has an outstanding reputation as an excellent school system within the setting of a wonderful caring community centered on the needs of families and children. I look forward to the opportunity to live and work in such a community."
Dr. Grimm has 19 years experience in public education. He has taught Mathematics and General Science. He holds a Doctorate in Educational Administration from the University of Rochester, a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Administration from SUNY College at Brockport, a Masters degree in Secondary Education from Nazareth College, and Bachelors degree in Mathematics from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He has 9 years experience in educational administration as an Assistant Principal, Principal and as Executive Director of Secondary Schools.
He will succeed Interim Superintendent Thomas Helmer who has served the District since August 2007.
Under the terms of his 3-year contract, Superintendent Grimm will receive an initial annual salary of $142,000, and be eligible for future increases to be determined by the Board annually. Dr. Grimm will reside in the District.
Board Vice President, Anne Drake added, "We are pleased that Steve brings many years experience as an Administrator, has strong skills, and is abreast of current research and best practices in education." She noted that "he has experience in meeting the needs of struggling learners, has experience developing budgets at Greece and Wheatland-Chili, and has shown to be and active visible member of the communities in which he has served as an educator."
In connection with plans for the immediate future, Dr. Grimm offered: "I am excited to begin learning as much as I can about the aspirations and challenges of the Lansing Central School District and community. Through my initial learning process I look forward to building relationships based on trust, which I believe is the foundation of good leadership and good schools. I also look forward to working collaboratively with the dedicated Board of Education, faculty and staff, parents, students, community members and elected officials to build and realize a shared vision of excellent educational opportunities for the children served by the Lansing Central School District."