- By Dan Veaner
- News

Lansing Updates Dog Law
The town board unanimously adopted a new dog law in the May 18 meeting. The local law had not been updated since 1979 and the state law has changed many times since then, according to town attorney, Guy Krogh.
The town law does not supplant state law, but supplements it with law that is specific to Lansing. The new law encompasses definitions of what a "dangerous dog" is, who is responsible for an animal and what an owner can do if his or her dog is declared dangerous. The "leash law" is also covered. Dogs must be controlled when off the owner's property, which generally means they must be on a leash.
The dog law is enforced by the "designated dog control officer," which in Lansing is the SPCA. It can also be enforced by the Sheriff or the Town Constable.
Debbie Bain asked the board whether dogs could be off leash in training situations in parks. The new law does not allow this, but board member Bud Shattuck said that special situations where the dogs are obviously under control can be handled by applying for a permit beforehand.