- By Kathy Zahler
- News

“I moved to Lansing and started my teaching career at the Lansing Elementary School in the 1960’s, where I taught 5th and 6th grades for 8 years,” Pryor said. “Many of you may know me by my former last name of Hubbell. During that period I came to know and value the people of Lansing as well as the beauty of its rural setting. Although I moved on to other parts of the county in the intervening years, I always felt drawn to return to this area. Having moved back to Lansing several years ago in retirement, I hope to be able to give back to my community through service on the County Legislature.
“I fully recognize the serious challenges that face our county in the midst of a recession. We all know friends, neighbors, or family members whose jobs have been eliminated, and many people are dealing with the painful choices which come with steep losses in their 401K or other retirement funds.”
“The county and its various municipalities are not immune to the fiscal crisis that is hitting so many families as the tax base erodes at the same time that the need for services rises. The responsibility of the county to maintain roads and other infrastructure, protect public safety with an adequately staffed and trained Sheriff’s Department, fulfill state mandates for public services, and provide for the neediest in our communities will continue to make increasing demands on families’ property taxes. It is essential that County Legislators expect a high level of accountability for how taxpayer dollars are spent. Hard decisions will continue to face all of us. I believe that I can assess each situation and make those tough choices when needed to maintain a balance between services that are essential and the necessity to resist tax increases.
“Part of the role of a County Legislator is to facilitate communication between the community they represent and the county. If elected I will keep in touch with the residents of Lansing. I will be accessible and welcome their ideas on how to deal with various issues. In addition to attending various community events, I will maintain a Web Site on which I can both regularly post information about county business and enable residents to contact me. Additionally, I will work closely with Town of Lansing elected officials to assure that the goals of the Town are understood by the County.”
Pryor has previously served on the County’s Public Information Advisory Board and on the Human Rights Commission. She also served 4 years on Ithaca’s Common Council, where she strongly supported economic development and the increase in the tax base and new jobs that it brings to a community.