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Mike Sigler
"It’s been an honor serving the residents of Lansing for the past four years and being an independent voice on the County Legislature," Sigler said. "When you are in the minority it’s important to be able to defend your positions and defend the residents of your town; it would be easy to acquiesce to the majority and go along with the spending hikes that have been suggested by many in the majority. I’ve consistently held the line on spending, recommending difficult cuts while prioritizing spending."
"There are many issues that came up this year where a defender of what’s right was needed and I did that to the best of my ability," he added. "In January, there was a move to overturn the Election of Leslyn McBean-Clairborne to Vice Chair, Sigler said. It was four Republicans and four Democrats who were able to beat that back. Last year, the Drop in Center was going to close without emergency funding. That passed by one vote and although cautious about approving it, and adding the caveat that the group needed to become sustainable within a year, I felt it was wrong to leave these parents without daycare after the county made a commitment to them."
Sigler has served on every committee on the Legislature. "I’ll be on the Republican line and the Independence party line," he said. "I’ve tried to be even handed and stay away from National politics; it’s not what we do on the county legislature and it is better left to the congressmen. My interest is to spend the taxpayers’ money wisely and the way the majority of residents want while remembering the minority should also have a voice."
In the past year, Sigler also fought for and won tighter oversight in hiring, called for restrictions on private meetings of elected officials, and rejected a pay increase for legislators.
"I hope that voters believe that I’ve been a strong voice for them and will vote for me in the upcoming election," he said.