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The Tompkins County Health Department (TCHD) as reported earlier is no longer sending individual tests of suspect cases of H1N1 for laboratory confirmation. However, the two suspect cases reported last week by TC3 were considered a cluster and therefore were sent for laboratory confirmation. A cluster is defined as two or more people who have the illness who are in close proximity but not related. Only one of the two suspect cases at TC3 tested positive, and the student is recovering at their residence.
“TCHD’s focus is to look for patterns of illness in the community with the goal of limiting the spread of this influenza,” said Alice Cole, Public Health Director. “That is why these two tests of suspect cases were sent to the laboratory in Albany,” she added.
Most people with H1N1 have been able to take care of themselves at home. TCHD reminds Tompkins County residents that if they have mild flu-like symptoms they should stay at home and not go to the emergency department or an urgent care facility. Those with moderate or severe symptoms should contact their provider for medical guidance.
People recovering from H1N1 or any influenza like illness should take precautions to protect others in their household. Influenza can be transmitted when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It is also possible to become infected by touching surfaces contaminated with respiratory droplets from coughs or sneezes and then touching one’s mouth or nose. Those caring for household members should wash their hands frequently. Surfaces that are frequently touched such as doorknobs, telephones, and keyboards should be cleaned often to limit the transmission of the disease.
For more information about Novel H1N1 influenza go to the Tompkins County Health Department website .