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lr_120Trustees officially appointed a subcommittee Monday to work with consultants who have been hired to study potential development opportunities and study traffic in a southeastern portion of the Village of Lansing.  The study was prompted by neighborhood resistance to the Lansing Reserve development that has been proposed for a 23 acre plot north of Dart Drive in the Village.   Trustees also approved additional $5,000 for a total of $23,100 contract to cover 46 hours that will be used to chair and work with the committee, giving residents an official channel to provide neighborhood input. 

"Personally I think this is a much needed activity," said Julie Baker.  "Having them chair the meetings and work with the parties on the committee would be good.  I am in support of adding this."

The committee will be headed consultants from Barton and Loguidice, including Keith Ewald, who will chair the committee, and Mark Budosh.  Baker and Deputy Mayor Lynn Leopold will represent the Trustees. Planning Board Chair Mario Tomei and alternate member John Kantor will represent the Planning Board. 

William Shang will represent Coventry Walk.  John Wisor will represent Lansing Trails, and Chris Vilatie the eastern-most portion of the area.  Better Housing of Tompkins County Executive Director John Spence will represent the Lansing Reserve project and the middle-Dart area, where the Lansing Reserve project is proposed.  A designee from Conifer Realty, LLC will represent he western-most parcel.Liz Fresbie will represent Northwoods Apartments, and a representative from Dart Drive has yet to be named.

The proposed development is on one of three large lots north or Dart Drive and near Warren Road.  65 rental town houses are proposed, each with a one-car garage.

Village officials expect the study to provide recommendations on roadways and traffic, one of the major concerns brought forward by neighbors.  Lansing Reserve is being developed by NRP Group, which is currently attempting to finance and facilitate the project by lining up limited partners and obtaining tax credits that bring the cost down to where it is affordable to build affordable housing.  Better Housing of Tompkins County is a partner in the project, and will manage the property when the project is completed.

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