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gaswell_120The Legislature, by unanimous vote authorized the County to enter into an agreement with LaBella Associates, P.C. to provide engineering and related services required to implement the County’s Road Preservation Law, at a cost not to exceed $35,000.

The law, governing truck traffic that exceeds specific weigh and frequency thresholds, calls for damage resulting from such high-intensity traffic be anticipated, analyzed, and repaired promptly and to appropriate engineering standards, and that a bond sufficient to support the cost of anticipated road damage may be required before the project that generate such traffic begins.  LaBella was selected as the best qualified of several engineering firms that responded to the County’s Request for Proposals.

LaBella will assist the County and local municipal governments wishing to participate in establishing and implementing the system to be used to administer the law, including the process of estimate potential road damage and the cost of such damage at the beginning of a project, then of calculating to the actual road damage at the end of a project.  LaBella will also help develop and administer the law’s permitting process.

The Legislature’s action also authorizes the County Administrator to execute supplemental agreements on behalf of the County to enable project-specific work to proceed as projects covered by the law arise, with costs incurred by the permittee, or to enable other local governments to procure services under the contract at their own expense.  County Administrator Joe Mareane expects the process of contracting with LaBella will begin immediately and that permit development will begin within the next 30 days.

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