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Legislature Approves Funding to Offset State Aid Cuts to Youth Programs
The Legislature, by unanimous vote of those present (Legislators Nathan Shinagawa and Leslyn McBean-Clairborne were excused) approved the allocation of up to $67,500 in contingency funding to fill the gap left by an anticipated 32% reduction in State aid for the County’s youth services programs.  If not restored through local dollars, programs and activities scheduled to be provided to the county’s youth over the rest of 2012, through agency and municipal contracts, would be diminished or eliminated.

The measure notes that the County wishes to sustain the level of programs and activities put forward in the County’s 2012 budget, enabling youth to be served and also providing time for the Youth Services Department and the agencies it supports to consider ways to adjust to diminished State support, as next year’s County budget is prepared.  Youth Services Director Amie Hendrix noted that State funding for youth services has declined by more than 67% since 2010.

Programs affected include the Advocacy Center, Bridges for Youth and Families, Child Development Council, Cooperative Extension, Ithaca Youth Bureau, the Learning Web, and municipal youth services programming.

Legislature Honors Corporal Christopher Bordoni
Expressing the grief of the people of Tompkins County regarding the death of United States Marine Corporal Christopher David Bordoni, who died on April 3, 2012 from injuries sustained in the service of his country while in combat in Afghanistan, the Legislature, without dissent, passed a resolution commemorating Cpl. Bordoni’s “honorable and vital service” to the nation at home and abroad, including two tours of duty in Afghanistan.  (Legislators Nathan Shinagawa and Leslyn McBean-Clairborne were excused.)

Born and raised in Tompkins County Cpl. Bordoni, received many decorations for his distinguished service, including the Purple Heart.  Members of the Legislature, on behalf of all the people of Tompkins County, expressed “heartfelt condolences” to his widow, Jessica Korherr Bordoni, and to all members of his family for their terrible loss.  The resolution expresses the Legislature’s “deepest gratitude for his exemplary service and (its) full and humble acknowledgement of the supreme sacrifice he has rendered for all of us.”

The Legislature observed a moment of silence in honor of Corporal Bordoni and all other service members who have died in service to their country.

Legislature Recognizes All County Youth
The Legislature, in lieu of the normal Distinguished Youth Award, took the opportunity to recognize and embrace all of the county’s young people, in the aftermath of the recent deaths of three local young people, noting, “our youth are very important to us personally and hold the future of the county in their hands.”

Speaking on behalf of the Legislature, Legislator Pam Mackesey said, “Tonight we honor our young people who take their community responsibilities seriously and offer their time and effort from an early age.  Tonight we honor our young people who, through no fault of their own, every day face daunting challenges.  Parents with substance abuse problems, bullying by classmates, learning challenges, physical challenges, discrimination-- all place a very heavy weight on young shoulders.  For these youth, getting through the day is an exercise in considerable strength and determination.  All of our youth should know we are rooting for them.  We want them to understand that we are in their corner because  their success is very imporant to us and to the county.  We salute you and embrace you.”

To nominate a local youth for the Legislature’s Distinguished Youth Award, contact the Legislature Office at 274-5434.  The Distinguished Youth Award is cosponsored by A&B Awards and Engraving, Bangs Ambulance Service, Purity Ice Cream, and Cayuga Radio Group.

Among other business, the Legislature

  • Authorized expansion of the duration and coverage of the mural placed on the Old County Library, authorizing the mural to extend beyond the building’s curved mall, and also to permit that the art remain in place beyond the four months set in the Legislature’s initial resolution, passed in 2010.  The measure passed by an 11-2 vote, with Legislators Mike Lane and Brian Robison voting no.
  • Heard a report updating progress on County energy and sustainability programs.  Among the highlights:  a report on meeting benchmarks identified in the 2020 Energy Strategy;   preparations for the opening of the downtown Sustainability Center this fall; and the plan to kick off the eight-county “Cleaner Greener Southern Tier” program, for which Tompkins County is lead.
  • Approved more than $200,000 in Tourism Grants, as recommended by the County’s Strategic Tourism Planning Board, grants funded through County Room Occupancy Tax.

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