- By Marcia E. Lynch
- News

The Legislature, by unanimous vote, set Tuesday, November 13 as the date for the public hearing on the 2013 Tentative Budget and capital plan for the next five years. (Legislators Carol Chock, Kathy Luz Herrera, and Dooley Kiefer were excused.) The hearing will begin at 7:00 p.m. at Legislature Chambers, second floor of the County Courthouse, 320 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca. The Legislature will take comment on the 2013 Tentative Budget and 2013-2017 Capital Plan, as amended from the County Administrator’s recommended budget, scheduled to be adopted by the Legislature October 30.
West Seneca Road Funding Agreement Approved
The Legislature authorized a construction funding agreement with the New York State Department of Transportation (DOT) for reimbursement of construction and inspection costs for the West Seneca Road bridge project in the Town of Ulysses. The vote was unanimous, with Legislators Carol Chock, Kathy Luz Herrera, and Dooley Kiefer excused. The County agrees to advance $920,000 from the project capital account, with 80% expected to be reimbursed by the federal government and another 11% by the State, through DOT. The Town of Ulysses will contribute 2% (projected at just over $20,000), with the anticipated County share (7%) just under $83,000.
Legislature Authorizes County to Acquire Right of Way for Ludlowville Stormwater Control Project
By unanimous vote, the Legislature authorized acquisition of right of way to support improvements to address recurring flooding problems in the Hamlet of Ludlowville in the Town of Lansing. . (Legislators Carol Chock, Kathy Luz Herrera, and Dooley Kiefer were excused.) The action authorizes the County to purchase an hold an easement for development of a dry detention pond on 2 acres of Lansingville Road and a protection agreement for streambank stabilization work off Ludlowville Road. Funds to acquire the right of way, approximately $35,000, have been provided as part of State funding awarded in 2007 for the stormwater controlA project.
Tourism Grants Awarded
The Legislature awarded $133,000 in Tourism Capital Grants and more than $5,500 in Community Celebration Grants, funded through County Room Occupancy Tax dollars. The Tourism Capital Grants were awarded to the Sciencenter, Cayuga Nature Center, Kitchen Theatre, Hangar Theatre, and the City of Ithaca’s Ithaca Skate Park Renovation, as this year’s installment of a multi-year grant arrangement already reviewed by the County’s Strategic Tourism Planning Board and approved by the Legislature. The Community Celebration Grants support seven community celebrations, as recommended by the STPB. Both awards came by unanimous votes of those present (Legislators Carol Chock, Kathy Luz Hererra, and Dooley Kiefer excused).
Among other actions, the Legislature
- Accepted two grants awarded to the Sheriff’s Office—a $12,500 State Legislative Award administered by the Division of Criminal Justice Services targeted to address drug crimes and $26,500 from the State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services addressing terrorism prevention.
- Appointed Democratic Election Commissioner Stephen DeWitt to a new two-year term ending December 31, 2014.