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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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Martha Robertson Elected Legislature Chair for 2018; Anna Kelles Elected Vice Chair
Beginning the new four-year legislative term, the Tompkins County Legislature, in its annual reorganization meeting, elected Martha Robertson Chair or the Legislature for 2018, and Anna Kelles Vice Chair. Robertson was the only member nominated for Chair, and was elected by unanimous vote.

Martha Robertson has served on the Legislature since 2002, representing District 13 (Western part of the Town of Dryden), and is returning for a fifth one-year term as Chair of the Legislature, having previous served as Legislature Chair and Chair of the Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency from 2010 to 2013. Having chaired numerous committees of the Legislature over the years, Martha most recently, in 2016 and 2017, chaired the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality Committee and the Program Oversight Committee of the Community Housing Development Fund. In 2017, she also served on the Public Safety, Old Library, and special Jail Study Committee.

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posticon Frigid Forecast Closes Food Scraps Drop Spots

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foodscraps 120Due to the potential for dangerously low wind chill temperatures, six Tompkins County food scraps recycling drop spots will be closed tomorrow, January 6th.

The drop spot locations are: Danby Town Hall, Dryden Town Highway Department, East Hill Plaza, Lansing Village Office, Tompkins County Highway Department on Bostwick Road and Trumansburg Village Public Works.

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posticon TCAT Offers Free Rides During Wind Chill Warning

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Due to predictions of dangerously cold temperatures, TCAT General Manager Scot Vanderpool announced yesterday that TCAT would offer free rides on all of its routes throughout its service periods today, Jan. 5, and tomorrow, Jan. 6.

The National Weather Service said that a wind chill warning is in effect from 10 p.m. tonight through 7 a.m. Sunday in Tompkins and surrounding counties during which time wind chill values will be as low as in the minus double digits. These wind chills can cause frostbite in as a little as 10 minutes and hypothermia or death can occur if people do not protect themselves from the cold, the NWS said.

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posticon Mine Shaft Surface Special Permit Approved

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Cargill Mine

After a public hearing last month the Lansing Town Board unanimously approved a surface site plan for the Cayuga Salt Mine's #4 Shaft project.  Following a short presentation explaining the project, seven people spoke, six of them Cargill employees, who stressed that the project is for the safety of miners and employees who work in the mine, 2,500 feet below the site of a new shaft that will bring fresh air and electricity to the current mining area, as well as reduce the commute time for miners and provide a closer, safer escape route in case of medical or other issues inside the mine.

"Safety is always our top priority," said shaft operator Douglas Smith, who has worked for Cargill for 27 years.  "As a hoist operator the #4 shaft project is most important to me, because it provides more clean air for the workers, and also it's my job to bring my fellow coworkers in and out of the mine shaft safely so that they can be home with their families by the end of the day -- like we provide salt for the roads so that you can go to work and comeback home safely to be with your families at the end of your day."

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posticon Public Hearing First of Planned Comp Plan Meetings

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Comp Plan Public Hearing

Eight people spoke in a public hearing that kicks off the final stage in approving Lansing's Comprehensive Plan Revision.  The December 20th hearing was held after much discussion before and during a special Town Board meeting the previous week.  While some board members favored quick passage of the current draft that has been seven years in the making, others advocated for a more extended public discussion period.

Supervisor Ed LaVigne had called the special meeting for the purpose of cancelling the public hearing to allow for more time for meetings and consideration, but when Attorney Guy Krogh advocated keeping the December 20 hearing on the schedule to fulfill state deadline requirements, no action was taken.  Thus, despite concerns that the public hearing was scheduled so close to the holidays that many people would not be able to attend, the Board agreed to hold the hearing, but not vote on acceptance of the plan revision.  That public hearing became the first of a number of meetings planned for the final, Town Board consideration before officially accepting the plan.

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posticon Take Precautions During Severe Cold

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The Nation Weather Service has issued a wind chill warning for Central NY from tonight through early Sunday. Wind Chill is the term used to describe the rate of heat loss from the human body resulting from both low temperatures and wind. As winds increase, heat is carried away from the body at a faster rate, causing skin temperature and eventually internal body temperatures to drop. "People exposed to extreme cold are susceptible to frostbite in a matter of minutes", stated Frank Kruppa, the Tompkins County Public Health Director. Areas most prone to frostbite are uncovered skin and the extremities, such as hands and feet. "Hypothermia is another threat during extreme cold", Kruppa warns.

"It is important to check on our neighbors during these events." Kruppa encourages, "Our seniors and young children are at significant risk". A small child will lose heat faster than older children and adults. A senior adult may be dealing with other health issues that compromise their ability to hold their body heat. Pets are also at risk during these low temperatures. If you have pets, bring them inside. If you cannot bring them inside, provide adequate, warm shelter and unfrozen water to drink.

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posticon Mayor Says Subdivide The Mall

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Shops at Ithaca mall

After the Village of Lansing Planning Board sent its recommendation for a PDA (Planned Development Area) that would subdivide the Shops at Ithaca Mall, Mayor Donald Hartill told the Board of trustees last week that he doesn't see any better solution.  Since CMC Engineering Manager Kenneth Farrall brought the proposal to the Board last August  on behalf of the new mall owners, Trustees and Planning Board members have expressed concerns about the plan, particularly about safety, flooding, and accountability.  But with a $10 million reduction of assessed value of the property and the mall struggling to attract shoppers, Hartill said the subdivision plan is the best option in an attempt to revitalize the vital source of property and sales tax revenue.

"In reviewing all of the materials we've been presented with, it seems like that's the most attractive path forward," he said. "It certainly has a number of issues having to do with fire safety, the fact that it's a structure that has been there for 40 years.  All of these ancillary conditions really need to be satisfied.  Other than that I don't see any other path forward."

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posticon Helming Attends New York Farm Bureau Annual State Meeting

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helming farmbureauFrom left to right: New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets Commissioner Richard Ball, New York Farm Bureau President David Fisher, Senator Pam Helming, and NYFB District 3 Director John Sorbello.

Albany – Senator Pam Helming attended the New York Farm Bureau annual state meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 6 at the Desmond Hotel in Albany. The event culminated with the Farm Bureau's annual banquet. During the banquet, several Farm Bureau members were honored for their leadership, service, and their successful efforts to ensure the voices of our New York State farmers are heard in Albany and Washington.

Helming says she is looking forward to continuing to be a strong advocate for Farm Bureau and working closely with the organization throughout the upcoming legislative session to help support our job-creating agricultural industry and local farmers.

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posticon Reed Calls On Colleges To Cut Price Tags

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Washington, DC- There is a college cost crisis in our country. Through tax reform, Congressman Tom Reed is working to make college more affordable.

With over $1.4 trillion in student loan debt nationwide, and the average student graduating with over $30,000 in debt, this is an issue that needs to be tackled.

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posticon Town To Hold Off On Approving Comprehensive Plan

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Lansing Town Hall

The Lansing Town Board did not cancel a public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan update that is scheduled for next Wednesday.  At a meeting last month the Board voted 3-2 to scheulde the public hearing for December 20.  Councilwoman Katrina Binkewicz expressed strong objections to holding a public hearing so close to Christmas and then potentially voting to accept the plan immediately afterward.  In response to that and strong public outcry Lansing Supervisor Ed LaVigne called a special Town Board working session Wednesday to cancel the public hearing in order to give the Board and the public more time to consider the final draft.  While LaVigne agreed not to hold a vote on accepting the plan next week, the Board adjourned without cancelling the public hearing.

Town Attorney Guy Krogh recommended not cancelling the December 20th public hearing on the grounds that it would allow the Town Board to meet a New York State requirement to hold a public hearing within 90 days of receiving the draft plan from the Planning Board.  Krogh said that puts the deadline at February 11th, but warned that if a bad snow storm were to postpone a hearing set for late January or early February, it could force the public hearing to be cancelled, which would push the plan back to the Planning Board.  That would mean more delay, including another public hearing in front of the Planning Board before the plan could be considered for final approval again by the Town Board.

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PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Special Town Board Meeting is being called, convened, and held upon December 13, 2017, at 6:30 pm at the Lansing Town Hall, 29 Auburn Road, Lansing, New York 14882, for the purpose of cancelling the Public Hearing upon the Proposed Adoption of the Updated Comprehensive Plan. All residents of the Town and the general public are invited to attend this special Town Board meeting.

Deborah Munson, Town Clerk, Town of Lansing
December 7, 2017

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posticon Supervisor To Ask Board To Cancel Comp Plan Hearing

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Comprehensive Plan

Town Supervisor Ed LaVigne will ask the Lansing Town Board next Wednesday to cancel a December 20th public hearing on the latest revision of the Town's Comprehensive Plan.  LaVigne says the public will have ample opportunity to express concerns about the current draft of the revision, which has been crafted over the past seven years, before a new public hearing is scheduled and the Town Board is called upon to vote to accept it.  There is no guarantee that the public hearing will be cancelled, but the Board will discuss it Wednesday.

"We'll listen to everybody's concerns," LaVigne said in a phone interview Tuesday.  "It won't be a debate.  It will be 'What are you concerned about?'  We'll let the Town Board take a step back and think about it.  Some time in the Spring or Summer, if the Board decides, we will move forward and set another public hearing."

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posticon Borgella Appointed Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability

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Katie Borgella

The Tompkins County Legislature, by unanimous vote, has approved the appointment of Katherine 'Katie' Borgella as the County's Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability. (Legislator Anna Kelles was excused.) Borgella, who has 24 years of leadership experience in the County Department of Planning and Sustainability, has served as Deputy Commissioner since 2014 and as Interim Commissioner since the retirement of Ed Marx in August.

In requesting the Legislature's approval of the appointment following a three-month search process, Interim County Administrator Paula Younger said, "From over 30 applicants, to four solid candidates, to two finalists, Katie Borgella held an impressive lead throughout this process and has been recommended unanimously by the Search Committee…Katie brings to the Commissioner position great vision, genuine enthusiasm, and plenty of hands-on experience."

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