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posticon Ithaca City School District Tax Rates Lowest in Tompkins County

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ihsWhile most residents of Tompkins County will see an increase in their school tax bills this year, Ithaca residents continue to enjoy the lowest tax rate in the county. As of October 1, City of Ithaca residents will see an increase in their school tax bills of 1.45% over last year, according to data released today by officials at the Ithaca City School District.

Although school districts pass budgets in May of each year, the overall county tax rates are not finalized until August. Final tax rates are calculated based on the amount revenues such as  state and federal aid and financial reporting from Tompkins County’s Assessment Department on the overall value of taxable properties per school district.
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posticon Village Hall Planned For Next Year

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voffice 120Village of Lansing Trustees decided Monday that a new Village Hall will be located in front of the current facility on Triphammer Road.  The $400,000 2,662 square foot office building is being planned for construction beginning next Spring.  But issues with the site will add another $50,000 to the price tag.  Choosing a site will clear the way for final planning phase, and Mayor Donald Hartill says the plans should be completed before the end of this year.  

"We have a staff that works very hard for us, Hartill says. "They deserve a comfortable place to work.  I came in Thursday and the pumps were running because of moisture concerns.  When the pumps are running (Village Clerk Jodi Dake) has a vibra massage!  I've measured vibration levels here that are just unacceptable."
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posticon Lansing Reserve On Hold While Area Study Is Completed

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lr 120After massive neighborhood resistance to a proposal to build a cluster housing development near Dart Drive and Warren Road the Village of Lansing Trustees took a step backward Monday when they approved a proposal to hire the Tompkins County Planning Department to prepare a 'scope of services' document that can be used to hire a consultant to study the area and make recommendations on future land use in that part of the Village.  Mayor Donald Hartill told Better Housing of Tompkins County Executive Director John Spence that he anticipates the study will take three months.

"We'll be back in business to understand the relationship between the Lansing Reserve proposal to the constraints that are there to the likely evolution of whatever that plan suggests and move forward from there," Hartill said Monday.  "But right now we feel that the Planning Board and the Board of Trustees don't have enough information and long term vision as to how this should evolve.  Everything is on the table in some sense."
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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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tc seal120Comments Heard on Proposed Tax Cap Override Law
The Legislature took public comment on a proposed local law that would authorize the Legislature, if needed, to override the tax levy limit for 2012 under the New York State property tax cap—a limit that, with permitted adjustments, would limit the tax levy increase to 2.92% in 2012.  The proposed law, if approved by 60% of the Legislature (nine Legislators), would not mean that the Legislature will necessarily exceed the cap, but it would preserve override of the cap as an option that the Legislature could consider, at the time it votes on adoption of the budget.
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posticon 3 New Wins Bring Boys Soccer to 6-0

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soccer1Lansing vs. Moravia
The Bobcat Boy’s Soccer Express keeps rolling along, extending their record to 4-0 in beating Moravia High School by a 13-nill score last Thursday afternoon, in Moravia. Junior midfielder Ellington Hopkins found his scoring touch by notching his first 2 goals of the season and assisting on another; while senior Tri-Captain Sean Streb matched Hopkins’ game point total with 5 of his own. Although not finding the back of the net on the day, Junior midfielder WooJin Richardson displayed a high work rate throughout, launching 5 shots on frame in addition to several challenging crosses that created some outstanding scoring chances for his teammates.
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posticon TCAT Considers Rate Hikes, Service Reductions

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tcat2 120As we all know, these are tough financial times and, unfortunately, TCAT is not immune. TCAT has undertaken the difficult process of cutting costs, reducing operating expenses and increasing revenues in order to absorb anticipated budget cuts.
This is the third successive year in which state aid, our largest single source of financial support, has been significantly reduced. Every indication is that there will be additional cuts in state and federal assistance in 2012. TCAT’s three local funders, Tompkins County, the City of Ithaca and Cornell University are facing their own fiscal challenges.
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posticon County Departments Present Budget Requests

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tc court120hTompkins County budget review continued Monday, as Legislators, acting as an Expanded Budget Committee, heard presentations from seven more departments and agencies.  Legislators are continuing to examine the 2012 Tentative Budget presented by County Administrator Joe Mareane at the beginning of September.  As requested by the Legislature, the proposed budget begins with what could be supported under the State Property Tax Cap (a 2.92% levy increase), with the Administrator recommending a package that would meet the Legislature’s levy target of 5.4%.
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posticon County Democrats Meet Their Candidates

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Lansing Democratic candidates Kathy Miller (Supervisor) and Michael Koplinka-Loehr (Town Board) attended the Tompkins County Democrat's 22nd annual 'Meet the Candidates' dinner at Stewart Park Sunday.

dems millerDemocratic Lansing Supervisor Candidate Kathy Miller (standing)
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posticon Traumatic Brain Injury Prevention Law Signed

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albany2 120New York State Senator Mike Nozzolio yesterday announced that Governor Cuomo has signed into law legislation (S.3953) he co-sponsored and fought to enact that establishes guidelines for coaches, teachers and other school personnel to protect our students from concussions and traumatic brain injuries.

“School athletic programs, intramural sports and physical education classes are an important part of the educational experience at every school district in our State. It is important that we make this experience as safe as possible for our student athletes and ensure that every school is prepared to treat and monitor concussions and other brain injuries,” said Nozzolio. “This legislation is critical in reducing the risk of these injuries causing long-term damage and will encourage parents, students and coaches to take preventative steps to avoid serious head injury.”
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posticon Lansing Market Opens In Spite Of Crash

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lmrc 120These day when you hear the phrase 'market crash' it means another depressing day in the stock market. But Monday it meant a woman crashing her car into Lansing Market less than 48 hours before it was scheduled to open. But open it did, when a large crowd gathered to celebrate a ribbon cutting Wednesday morning. The long anticipated opening began with a welcome by Andy Sciarabba, who assembled investors and professionals to create and run the store. Sciarabba stressed the local connection that he says will make Lansing Market a vital at of the community in many ways.

"Lansing has waited for over 15 years for a grocery store," he said. "That day has finally arrived. It's one of the basic services the community has desired for a long time and I'm pleased to say that in a few minutes you'll be able to walk in and start shopping. And please shop often!"
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posticon Hopkins Appointed To Repace Wilcox On Dem Ticket

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Democratlogo100hLansing Deputy Supervisor Connie Wilcox was voted one of two Town Board candidates at the Lansing Democratic Caucus in July. But when she announced in August that she would be running as an independent to challenge Democratic nominee Kathy Miller for the Supervisor seat, it left the Democrats with a hole in their slate. Tuesday evening they appointed Ruth Hopkins to run for the board.

"I really care about Lansing as a place to live," Hopkins says. "It's a fascinating town. I've spotted a lot of things that I think I can improve. I think I have the luxury of some training that has given me skills that I can use. I thought I'd give back."
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posticon Polling Places Change For Some Voters

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votingnew 120Five poll sites have been changed for this fall's elections. Most of these changes were made so that voters will have more room and privacy as they fill out and vote their ballot.

Links to maps of the new sites can be found on the homepage of the Tompkins County Board of Elections. Voters can then access maps that allow them to print out exact directions to their poll site. Voters at other poll sites can also get maps and directions by following the links "For Voters" and then "Where Do I Vote?"
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posticon County Budget Review Continues

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tc court120hLegislators, acting as an Expanded Budget Committee, heard four program presentations in a second night of review Tuesday, as it continued to examine County Administrator Joe Mareane’s 2012 tentative County budget, presented to the Legislature a week ago.
Presenting tonight were the Finance Department, Cooperative Extension, the County Office for the Aging (COFA), and Information Technology Services (ITS).  Both Finance and Cooperative Extension requested no over target spending beyond what can be supported under the Property Tax Cap (2.92%), recommendations rolled into what would normally be considered their base budgets.
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