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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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ImageLegislature Establishes 2010 Budget Guidelines
The Legislature established 2010 budget guidelines which call for departments and agencies to cut spending by 6.25%, as an initial step in the 2010 County budget process.  The vote was 11-4, with Legislators Martha Robertson, Dooley Kiefer, Pam Mackesey and Will Burbank voting no.

After 45 minutes of thoughtful discussion, the Legislature accepted the recommendation of County Administrator Joe Mareane and its budget committee.  The administrator has indicated that the 6.25% reduction is needed to achieve the $2.4 million reduction in discretionary spending needed to balance the budget and meet the Legislature’s 3% tax levy increase goal.  The fiscal target is the maximum amount of general revenue spending authority that a department may request without initiating an over-target request as part of the budget process.

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posticon Board of Elections in an

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ImageAt the Board of Elections in the run up to the November 2008 election, the phones never stopped ringing, the mail was delivered and sent out by the boxful, and a steady stream of people lined up for their turn at the counter. Temporary staff and volunteers pitched in, and the regular staff worked overtime. A record number of voters, 4,230, requested absentee ballots, and on Election Day, a record number of voters turned out.

Now it’s 2009, and all is quiet at the BOE. Employees take naps and dream of 2012 while cobwebs form on the telephones and filing cabinets.

Not quite...

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posticon Swine Flu - Second Case Of H1n1 Influenza Confirmed

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ImageIthaca, NY 14850 (June 3, 2009) – The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) lab confirmed a second case of H1N1 influenza in Tompkins County. The person is an adult and is recovering at home.

Alice Cole, Tompkins County Health Department (TCHD) Public Health Director noted that tests for individual suspect cases of H1N1 would no longer be sent to the NYSDOH lab for confirmation. “We know that H1N1 is in Tompkins County. Our focus now is to look for patterns of illness in the community with the goal of limiting the spread of this influenza.”

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posticon TCCOG Supports Health Insurance Consortium - But Will Lansing Join?

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Will Lansing Join?
by Dan Veaner

While the Tompkins County Council of Governments is enthusiastic about savings to member municipalities that join the proposed Health Insurance Consortium, neither the Town nor the Village of Lansing share that enthusiasm.  For the Town it's a matter of timing versus insignificant savings.  For the Village the issue is minimal savings and added bureaucracy.

Dave Sanders, Program Manager for Locey & Cahill, presented an update on the consortium  to Village of Lansing Trustees on April 20th.  Mayor Donald Hartill noted at that time that the rates seem reasonable, but noted that the hassle of attending consortium meetings wouldn't be worth the approximately $1,000 of savings.  Hartill reserved final judgment until the final numbers are presented.
ImageMore than two years after planning began toward an inter-municipal employee health insurance consortium of Tompkins County municipalities, the Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) has thrown its formal support behind the effort and is encouraging municipalities to participate.

With a municipal cooperative agreement now ready for municipal review, the Council, an association which includes all of the county’s 17 municipalities, today unanimously approved the resolution, which endorses the planning to date and encourages member municipalities to sign the inter-municipal agreement to participate in the consortium.  It recommends that each municipal board review the agreement and vote to join the consortium by August 1, 2009.  The opportunity to explore the consortium arrangement and to build a plan structure was supported through a more than quarter-million-dollar New York State Shared Municipal Services Incentive program grant, awarded in 2007.  The plan is scheduled to begin operation as of January 1, 2010.

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posticon Pryor Challenges Sigler for County Legislature

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ImagePat Pryor, retired teacher and former City of Ithaca Councilwoman, announced her candidacy today for the Tompkins County Legislature from District 6.  District 6 is the Town of Lansing to the north of the Village of Lansing, with the exception of Lansing Election District 8. 

“I moved to Lansing and started my teaching career at the Lansing Elementary School in the 1960’s, where I taught 5th and 6th grades for 8 years,” Pryor said.  “Many of you may know me by my former last name of Hubbell.  During that period I came to know and value the people of Lansing as well as the beauty of its rural setting.  Although I moved on to other parts of the county in the intervening years, I always felt drawn to return to this area.  Having moved back to Lansing several years ago in retirement, I hope to be able to give back to my community through service on the County Legislature.

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posticon Lansing Searches For New High School Principal

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Michelle Brantner
When Michelle Brantner leaves Lansing High School to become Superintendent in Moravia this summer she will be leaving a big hole in the district leadership team.  Last Monday Superintendent Stephen Grimm told the Lansing Board Of Education about an aggressive schedule to replace her. 

"We're very happy for her," Grimm said.  "However we have to replace her, which is the hard part."

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posticon Nozzolio Opposes Drug Dealer Protection

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ImageAlbany – State Senator Mike Nozzolio today announced that he is supporting legislation that would fix a dangerous problem created by the so-called Rockefeller drug law changes that were enacted as a part of the 2009-10 New York State budget.

Under the new law which takes effect on June 8th, it will be up to the courts and an individual judge to decide whether or not to seal the criminal record of a convicted drug felon if he or she completes their drug court obligations.  This means that there will be no record of their conviction when they apply for employment and no way to insure that our most vulnerable citizens, our children and our senior citizens, are protected from exposure to someone who was convicted of a crime.

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posticon Fire District Presents Central Station Addition Plan

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ImageLansing Fire Commissioners unveiled plans for a 2.3 million dollar addition to Central Fire Station Tuesday night.  In a poorly attended informational meeting Commissioner Jeff Walters presented the 7300 square foot, one story plan that will add an additional equipment bay so that emergency vehicles won't have to be shuffled to get them on the road in emergencies, a decontamination room, emergency medical storage, and space for up to eight live-in firefighters.

"We haven't added anything to this building," Walters said.  "It's going to be 30 years old this year.  This project was in our 20 year capital plan.  It will allow us to be code compliant in our bunk rooms.  There are no sprinkler systems at this time, and no fire alarm system.  We'll do safety upgrades."

Fire Commisioners (left to right) Larry Creighton, Mike Day,
Robert Wagner, Jeff Walters, and Alvin Parker

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posticon Village Implements Land Steward Program

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ImageVillage of Lansing Trustees and Planning Board members met in a joint meeting Monday to discuss a new land steward program.  The program is an attempt to identify and manage many small pieces of property the Village owns, and to tie them into the Village Greenway.  Carol Klepack, who has taken the lead to make the program a reality, gave a progress report and answered questions from the boards.

"It's helping the surrounding landowners be aware that this, in fact, is Village property and they are not free to put their shed on it," Klepack explained.  "So it's really an educational and oversight effort.  The Village has been dedicated to maintaining open space and keeping green space, yet we don't have any mechanism for enforcing that and educating people about it.  This is an effort to do that."

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posticon Library Triumphs in 3-1 Vote

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ImageElection inspectors, school officials, and library supporters waited for nearly an hour before the final votes were counted Tuesday night.  For Lansing Community Library supporters the final numbers were worth waiting for.  Those who said 'No' on a proposition to abolish the library as a public library counted for 71.56% of the 446 to 1122 vote.  Loud cheers and hugs were exchanged when the voting machine totals were announced at 9:30, and again when the final tally including absentee ballots was announced.

"I'm really excited for the future of the Lansing Library," said Friends of the Library President Donna Scott.  "This is a great mandate for us to move forward and serve the Town of Lansing as best we can with our wonderful library."

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posticon Bill Offers Exemption to Firefighters in Time for Memorial Day

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ImageAlbany- State Senator Mike Nozzolio today announced that he and his Senate colleagues successfully fought to enact legislation he sponsored (S.1624-C) that would ensure our local firefighters will be able to participate in Memorial Day celebrations with their fire trucks and equipment.

“As the State Senator representing Waterloo, the birthplace of Memorial Day, I was pleased to sponsor this legislation and rectify an important and timely issue for our local fire companies.” said Senator Nozzolio. “Our firefighters are an important part of the Memorial Day celebrations in so many communities.  It's a time when we gather to honor those who have given their lives for our freedom.   This measure ensures that our firefighters can continue to participate in an important tradition, and, more importantly, operate fire trucks for potentially life-saving training, drills, and public education demonstrations.”

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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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ImageLegislature Provides Additional Comment on Natural Gas Drilling Environmental Issues

The Legislature voiced official concern about environmental issues related to natural gas production from the Marcellus Shale natural gas reserve.  By unanimous vote of those present (Legislator Tyke Randall was absent), the Legislature provided comment on matters not addressed in the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) scooping document for a draft environmental impact statement on the horizontal drilling and high volume hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) technique.  The drilling method uses pressurized injection of water containing chemicals to extract the natural gas from the underground shale.

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posticon Draft 2030 Long-Range Transportation Plan Presented to the Public

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The Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC) will host a public meeting on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 to present the initial draft of the updated 20-year Long-Range Transportation Plan for Tompkins County. This is the second public meeting dealing with the Long-Range Plan update.

ITCTC staff will make a short presentation describing the contents of the draft plan, which will be followed by opportunities for comment and discussion. The plan addresses all aspects of transportation in Tompkins County including automobile, bicycle, pedestrian, public transportation and more. All are invited to attend and learn about this planning effort and the initial draft of the 2030 Long-Range Transportation Plan. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Tompkins County Public Library, Borg-Warner Community Room, 101 E. Green Street, Ithaca. For additional information contact the ITCTC at 274-5570 or visit our web site at .


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