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mailmanI came to know Gay Nicholson decades ago first as a teammate/competitor in pick-up volley ball and her enthusiasm and energy were already apparent.  Through the years we have stayed in touch, and her enthusiastic commitment to local and regional community issues has grown and flourished. I was quite thrilled to hear that this very knowledgeable, dedicated and thoughtful person is running for our Town Board.

Some key qualifications for any elected town board member include an understanding of what the town community envisions for the future, and the organizational and diplomatic skills to move that vision forward, all within a reasonable town budget. Gay’s experience (e.g. former Director of Finger Lakes Land Trust, as well as service on a number of Committees: Lansing Trailways, Parks and Recreation, and Lansing representative for the County Environmental Management Council) have all been a benefit to our town and county.

Recently, Gay’s organization and implementation of a very successful major conference in Tompkins County (Climate Smart and Climate Ready) speaks highly of her vision and commitment.   Please vote this November, and vote for this exceptional community leader.

Tom Butler

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