- By Robert Cree
- Opinions

So, you can imagine my surprise and ultimately my frustration when I read the inference that 'nasty politics' have been playing a role within the town board. I made my decision not to proceed with the sewer project based on the numerous phone calls, emails and yes the sewer signs that are apparent everywhere. My party never told or asked me to vote a particular way. I have and will continue to address each issue and base my decisions on what I believe is in the best interest of the town as a whole.
Additionally, since I decided to run for a second term it required me to go door to door to petition residents for the opportunity to serve one more term. It was during this process where I also heard loud and clear about resident’s thoughts on the sewer project. Having said this, I will agree that a couple of the town board meetings this past summer displayed signs of very passionate view points from a couple of my colleagues, and I personally addressed that during an open meeting reminding all of us that we are representatives to the residents and that we need to remain mindful and respectful of all view points discussed. I believe this was a welcomed reminder to us all that we are, and should be, entitled to our own opinions regardless of the topic.
When I decided to run for town board four years ago, it had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with what I felt was missing from the board at that time. I was very interested in learning how the town functioned and believed (and still do) that I had something to contribute. I knew with my financial background I had an area of expertise to offer to the town that appeared to be missing. I found this to be true four years ago and believe it to be the case today. In fact this was confirmed just a few weeks ago at a regular town board meeting where the other town board member’s confirmed that the level of expertise I have been able to bring to the town during budget season and with the annual audits I lead has been invaluable. My experience on the board has been very rewarding and has truly shown me the extensiveness to which our town employees take pride in the work they perform for us all on a daily basis. Each and every town employee should be proud of the work they do for this town. I know I am!
I would suggest that we not let a few comments define who we are or label our town as being involved in petty acts. I plan to continue focusing on the issues at hand in an effort to move us forward, respect the opinions or our residents and serve our community to the best of my ability.