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mailmanIn an opinion piece in the September 20, 2013 issue of the Lansing Star, Dan Veaner gave his opinion that there was a political split on the sewer saying that the Board has been split on party lines – Republicans against and Democrats in favor.   The data outlining the decision process used to develop and review the most recent sewer plan tells quite a different story.  I invite town citizens to review the Town Board and Sewer Committee minutes below.

These Town Board and Sewer committee minutes verify that all five members of the Town Board have voted 'Yes' for each step in the consideration of the sewer, with the exception of two dissenting votes on different issues.
  1. Early in the process Ruth Hopkins voted “No” on the resolution proposing to sell Town land to Calamar citing absence of an appraisal price and insufficient progress on plans for a Town Center.
  2. Later in the process Robert Cree voted “No” to seeking State legislative permission for a town-wide vote on the sewer in August, prior to spending more money. In so voting, Robert cited his preference  to wait until January

I point out that Kathy Miller and Ed LaVigne were the two Town Board members on the Sewer Committee for 17 months.  In January 2013 Ed LaVigne initiated the resolution for a Town wide sewer, labeled the 12-C plan.

To avoid waiting until January 2014, Ruth Hopkins and Katrina Binkewicz, with support from the Town Supervisor undertook an informal door-to-door opinion poll of citizens living within the proposed sewer service area.   After interviewing one-half of the residents, the results showed 41% in favor, 59% against. The decision was made at the very next Town Board meeting to stop moving forward on the sewer plan.

Sewer planning and decision dateline verifying the absence of “political split.”  Prepared 9-25-2013, RH

December, 2011: Sewer Committee formation
Scott Pinney, Supervisor, forms sewer committee to review proposed sewer plan submitted by Hunt Engineering as directed by Town Board. Scott Pinney chairs initial meetings.

March 21st 2012: Sewer Committee Minutes:
Kathy Miller and Ed LaVigne are the Town Board members appointed and attending the meeting.   Scott Pinney no longer a member.

Oct.3rd , 2012: Town Board Minutes:
Resolution approving “Intent to sell” Town land parcels to NRP and Calamar .  Ruth Hopkins voted “No” citing lack of an appraisal and insufficient prior planning for the Town Center.  All others voted “Yes.”

Jan. 16th :  Sewer Committee Minutes: 
Ed LaVigne moved to establish a 2-tier town-wide structure of the Sewer District Proposal called the 12-c plan as presented by David Herrick. Motion passed.

Feb. 6th :  Town Board Minutes
Resolution authorizing Town engineer to complete the Map, Plan and Report for the Town wide sewer plan, 12-c .  All five TB members are present and vote “Yes.”  All members hear presentation given by Dave Herrick explaining the plan.

Feb 20th :  Town Board Minutes
Resolution to hold a public hearing with regard to the Town Board’s plan to authorize the Town to be lead agency and to proceed with the SEQRA- Environmental Review required as part of the sewer approval process. All members were present and voted “Yes.”

March 6th : Town Board Minutes
Board votes unanimously to reschedule the public hearing for the 12-c SEQRA on May 15th.  All members are present and vote “Yes.”

April 23rd :  Sewer public meeting. 
Meeting held to inform public about sewer prior to scheduled public hearing on May 15th, 2013.   All Town Board members attend.

May 1st : Town Board Minutes
Board discusses voting process for 12-c sewer plan.

May 15th :  Public Hearing held for 12-C sewer Environmental Review. 
There is no public comment.

May 29th: Sewer meeting minutes. 
Member listing no longer includes Ed LaVigne, Ed is not present.  No resignation letter included nor a reason given in the minutes. 

June 5th : Town Board meeting:
Resolution to set a public hearing for scoping of the SEQRA in relation to identification of Environmental impacts is withdrawn.  No vote taken.  All members are present.

June 15th :  Town Board Special meeting
Town Board meets to consider resolution asking Senator Nozzolio and Representative Lifton for a special legislation to allow Lansing citizens to vote  so that the Town knows if citizens want the proposed sewer before spending any more taxpayer money.  Four members present.  Hopkins, Binckewicz and Miller vote “Yes” to get the legislation, Cree votes “No” indicating he prefers to wait until January 2014 when legislators return for a Town wide vote.

June 19th Town Board meeting
Town Board again hears Dave Herrick review sewer plan 12-c.  It is the same plan as prior versions with a few changes to charges for individual parcel owners.

July 17th Town Board minutes
Findings of informal opinion poll undertaken by Katrina Binkewicz and Ruth Hopkins with Supervisor Miller  support shows, 41% in favor and 59% against within the proposed service district area of the proposed sewer plan, is shared with Town Board.  Supervisor states this means all proposed sewer plans, both 12A and 12C are cancelled. In subsequent discussion, four Town Board Members present agree current sewer plans will not go forward. Ed LaVigne is opposed to voting on a formal Resolution citing a vote should not take place with Robert Cree absent.

August 7th  Town Board Minutes
Supervisor Kathy Miller states that the Town is not going forward with 12-A or 12-C Sewer Project based on the existing Map, Plan and Report. There is no plan for a town wide or residential municipal sewer. The Lansing School District will have to pursue replacement of their own sewer system. Supervisor Kathy Miller indicated that since a Public Interest Order was not issued, a Resolution to do this is not required. After further discussion all five Town Board members indicated they agreed the Board would not be going forward with either of the proposed plans for a 12A or a 12C sewer plan. 

Ruth Hopkins, Councilwoman, Lansing Town Board
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